2014 | Information & Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Jung, Yoonhyuk; Pawlowski, Suzanne D.
Abstract: The aim of this study is to understand consumer goals for virtual consumption in ... Expand
Semantic filters: social identity user acceptance
Topics: Second Life virtual world user behavior electronic mail social identity
Methods: qualitative interview survey personal interview network analysis theory development
Theories: mean end chain theory goal theory
2008 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Walsh, Isabelle; Kefi, Hajer
Abstract: Culture, a popular though complex concept, has been recognized to influence impl ... Expand
Semantic filters: social identity user acceptance
Topics: systems implementation technology adoption user acceptance organizational context social identity
Methods: ethnography conceptual modelling
Theories: technology acceptance model social identity theory
2007 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Cheung, Christy M K; Shen, Aaron X L; Lee, Matthew K O; Wang, Weiping
Abstract: Instant messaging is one of the fastest growing internet-based collaborative tec ... Expand
Semantic filters: social identity user acceptance
Topics: online chat social media computer supported cooperative work usage intention social influence
Methods: survey partial least squares regression
Theories: technology acceptance model theory of planned behavior theory of reasoned action social influence theory