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Found 51 articles
  • Disruption and Legitimacy: Big Data in Society


    2023 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 1

    Authors: Ferreira, Carlos; Merendino, Alessandro; Meadows, Maureen

    Abstract: The growing availability of data and the emergence of business analytics ecosyst ... Expand

    Semantic filters: legal context triangulation

    Topics: big data business model Airbnb Facebook disruptive innovation

    Methods: case study literature sample qualitative content analysis archival research triangulation


    2023 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Floetgen, Rob; Winder, Philipp; Fielt, Erwin; Weking, Jörg; Hein, Andreas; Schreieck, Maximilian; Böhm, Markus; Krcmar, Helmut

    Abstract: Platform governance can contribute to the overall success of an ecosystem; howe ... Expand

    Semantic filters: legal context triangulation

    Topics: platform governance participatory design digital platform digital ecosystem application programming interface

    Methods: qualitative interview design methodology case study multiple case study triangulation

  • A Guide for Stakeholder Analysis in IS/IT Management and Research: The Case of Broadband Availability in Rural North Carolina


    2023 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Gebauer, Judith; Modaresnezhad, Minoo; Sibona, Christopher; Matthews, Kevin

    Abstract: Stakeholder analysis is a methodology that can provide valuable insights about ... Expand

    Semantic filters: legal context triangulation

    Topics: IT project strategic management internet technology project management electronic mail

    Methods: theory development case study survey qualitative interview triangulation


    2023 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Herm, Lukas-Valentin

    Abstract: While the emerging research field of explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) ... Expand

    Semantic filters: legal context triangulation

    Topics: explainable artificial intelligence task productivity artificial intelligence decision support system shapley additive explanation

    Methods: descriptive statistic statistical hypothesis test literature study machine learning survey

    Theories: theory of abduction

  • Are Organizations Ready for Metaverse? Identifying Influencing Factors for Initiating Metaverse in the Organizational Context

    2023 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Jacquemin, Philippe; Akdag, Merve Turan; Mehler, Maren; Wahl, Nihal; Buxmann, Peter

    Abstract: The metaverse is intended to reflect almost all activities of everyday and prof ... Expand

    Semantic filters: legal context triangulation

    Topics: virtual reality innovation management organizational context business model IT project

    Methods: qualitative interview design artifact triangulation personal interview qualitative coding

    Theories: theory of everything technology organization environment framework

  • To regulate or not to regulate: unravelling institutional tussles around the regulation of algorithmic control of digital platforms


    2023 | Journal of Information Technology | Citations: 0

    Authors: Kokshagina, Olga; Reinecke, Pauline C; Karanasios, Stan

    Abstract: Regulating how digital platforms use algorithms to determine and control content ... Expand

    Semantic filters: legal context triangulation

    Topics: digital platform terrorist incident Facebook innovation management database system

    Methods: computational algorithm qualitative content analysis literature sample longitudinal research business process modeling

  • Interorganizational Data Sharing in Health Ecosystems - A Case Sudy

    2023 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Nienstedt, Jonas; Schulze, Laura; Trenz, Manuel

    Abstract: The integration of external data offers enormous potential for new and expanded ... Expand

    Semantic filters: legal context triangulation

    Topics: healthcare data value creation competitive advantage legal context General Data Protection Regulation

    Methods: qualitative interview case study qualitative coding archival research grounded theory

    Theories: privacy calculus theory motivation theory

  • Investigating information and communication technology-enabled national development as a multi-level social process


    2023 | Information Systems Journal | Citations: 0

    Authors: Ramadani, Luthfi; Breidbach, Christoph F.; Kurnia, Sherah

    Abstract: Are centralised or decentralised strategies more suitable to address a developin ... Expand

    Semantic filters: legal context triangulation

    Topics: laptop computer information technology infrastructure health information system IT skill human resource management

    Methods: qualitative interview case study natural experiment field study personal interview

  • The Vicious Circles of Skill Erosion: A Case Study of Cognitive Automation


    2023 | Journal of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Rinta-Kahila, Tapani; Penttinen, Esko; Salovaara, Antti; Soliman, Wael; Ruissalo, Joona

    Abstract: Cognitive automation powered by advanced intelligent technologies is increasing ... Expand

    Semantic filters: legal context triangulation

    Topics: accounting mindfulness artificial intelligence knowledge work process automation system

    Methods: qualitative interview case study applicability check personal interview triangulation

    Theories: sociotechnical systems theory socio technical theory

  • Data is the New Protein: How the Commonwealth of Virginia Built Digital Resilience Muscle and Rebounded from Opioid and COVID Shocks

    2023 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 11

    Authors: Tremblay, Monica; Kohli, Rajiv; Rivero, Carlos

    Abstract: During shocks, residents and businesses rely upon the government to ensure heal ... Expand

    Semantic filters: legal context triangulation

    Topics: covid 19 pandemic digital dashboard analytical information system data management

    Methods: qualitative interview theory development case study personal interview triangulation

    Theories: dynamic capabilities theory