2017 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0
Authors: Ozturk, Ahmet Bulent; Nusair, Khaldoon; Okumus, Fevzi; Singh, Dipendra
Abstract: With the increased popularity of mobile devices, hotels and online travel agenci ... Expand
Semantic filters: response rate travel agency
Topics: personalization usability information privacy concern privacy mobile system
Methods: structural equation modeling survey data transformation chi squared test factor analysis
Theories: privacy calculus theory
2017 | Information & Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Kourouthanassis, Panos E.; Mikalef, Patrick; Pappas, Ilias O.; Kostagiolas, Petros
Abstract: This study explores the online information-seeking behaviour of travellers aspir ... Expand
Semantic filters: response rate travel agency
Topics: website information storage and retrieval system social media online review blog
Methods: survey survey design fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis regression analysis method conceptual modelling
Theories: fuzzy set theory complexity theory
2014 | Information & Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Yeh, Yung-Shao; Li, Yung-Ming
Abstract: With the increasing popularity of online shopping, e-shoppers have been provided ... Expand
Semantic filters: response rate travel agency
Topics: website electronic commerce website design behavioral intention
Methods: survey factor analysis structural equation modeling experiment data transformation
2009 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 5
Authors: Lee, Janghyuk; Lee, Jong-Ho; Lee, Dongwon; Zhang, Dongsong; Adipat, Boonlit; Mowafi, Yaser
Abstract: To explain the viral diffusion process, most of previous studies focus on the st ... Expand
Semantic filters: response rate travel agency
Topics: electronic mail viral marketing social network marketing management word of mouth
Methods: regression analysis method quasi experiment hazard function natural experiment laboratory experiment
2002 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 45
Authors: Christiaanse, Ellen; Venkatraman, N.
Abstract: This paper develops a perspective of interorganizational relationships based on ... Expand
Semantic filters: response rate travel agency
Topics: interorganizational relationship marketing management data quality interorganizational system accounting
Methods: survey field study qualitative interview data transformation descriptive statistic
Theories: dynamic capabilities theory transaction cost economics resource based view of the firm