2023 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Antunes, Jorge; Hadi-Vencheh, Abdollah; Jamshidi, Ali; Tan, Yong; Wanke, Peter
Abstract: This paper presents an assessment of the Chinese healthcare system in 31 provinc ... Expand
Semantic filters: trade-off analysis method
Topics: health information system IT productivity human resource management service quality productivity
Methods: TOPSIS trade-off analysis method machine learning artificial neural network literature study
2023 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 0
Authors: Bardhan, Indranil R.; Bao, Chenzhang; Ayabakan, Sezgin
Abstract: Should hospitals source electronic health records (EHR) systems from a single ve ... Expand
Semantic filters: trade-off analysis method
Topics: information exchange healthcare data health information system accounting database system
Methods: longitudinal research survey robustness check econometric modeling design artifact
Theories: transaction cost economics general systems theory institutional theory
2023 | Group Decision and Negotiation | Citations: 0
Authors: Chang, Jia-Li; Li, Hui; Wu, Jian
Abstract: The decision on which hotel to book is a high-cost process for individuals and e ... Expand
Semantic filters: trade-off analysis method
Topics: knowledge representation online review personality website
Methods: natural language processing word2vec computational algorithm sentiment analysis case study
2023 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Dennehy, Denis; Griva, Anastasia; Pouloudi, Nancy; Mäntymäki, Matti; Pappas, Ilias
Abstract: ... Expand
Semantic filters: trade-off analysis method
Topics: artificial intelligence human computer interaction human in the loop data governance data quality
Methods: chatbot case study theory development analytic hierarchy process trade-off analysis method
Theories: institutional theory
2023 | Group Decision and Negotiation | Citations: 0
Authors: Dhara, Suvojit; Goswami, Adrijit
Abstract: In the field of multi-attribute group decision-making (MAGDM), “decision-making ... Expand
Semantic filters: trade-off analysis method
Topics: decision making
Methods: case study TOPSIS trade-off analysis method cross sectional research descriptive statistic
2023 | Group Decision and Negotiation | Citations: 0
Authors: Gai, Tiantian; Cao, Mingshuo; Chiclana, Francisco; Zhang, Zhen; Dong, Yucheng; Herrera-Viedma, Enrique; Wu, Jian
Abstract: This paper proposes a consensus-trust driven framework of bidirectional interact ... Expand
Semantic filters: trade-off analysis method
Topics: blockchain supply chain management decision making social network
Methods: computational algorithm simulation social network analysis trade-off analysis method multi objective optimization
2023 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Fischer, Mareike; Heinz, Matthias; Schlereth, Christian; Rosenkranz, Christoph
Abstract: Agile transformations cause fundamental changes to work designs. To better unde ... Expand
Semantic filters: trade-off analysis method
Topics: job satisfaction marketing management IT personell turnover business model new product development
Methods: survey statistical hypothesis test linear regression analysis conjoint analysis Student's t-test
2023 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Gao, Jing; Zhang, Wanfei; Guan, Tao; Feng, Qiuhong; Mardani, Abbas
Abstract: The servitization transformation is an important strategic planning and developm ... Expand
Semantic filters: trade-off analysis method
Topics: digital transformation innovation management electronic business productivity big data
Methods: longitudinal research data envelopment analysis trade-off analysis method Student's t-test parametric test
2023 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Li, Hong-Jie; Luo, Xing-Gang; Zhang, Zhong-Liang; Jiang, Wei; Huang, Shen-Wei
Abstract: Usage-based insurance (UBI) adjusts premiums based on an individual policyholder ... Expand
Semantic filters: trade-off analysis method
Topics: shapley additive explanation decision support system Python decision making logistics management
Methods: experiment computational algorithm machine learning XGBoost factor analysis
2023 | Group Decision and Negotiation | Citations: 0
Authors: Mahmoudi, Amin; Javed, Saad Ahmed
Abstract: In multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) problems, ranking alternatives is us ... Expand
Semantic filters: trade-off analysis method
Topics: decision making decision support system
Methods: descriptive statistic cross sectional research statistical hypothesis test trade-off analysis method Grey relational analysis
Theories: mathematical theory