2022 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Li, Kai; Zhou, Cheng; Luo, Xin (Robert); Benitez, Jose; Liao, Qinyu
Abstract: This paper investigates how information timeliness and richness affect public en ... Expand
Semantic filters: timeliness of data
Topics: media richness usability social media pandemic timeliness of data
Methods: natural language processing computational algorithm term frequency–inverse document frequency machine learning robustness check
2022 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 4
Authors: Wendt, Charlotte; Werner, Dominick; Adam, Martin; Benlian, Alexander
Abstract: To target crowding at locations, decision support systems (DSS) increasingly fea ... Expand
Semantic filters: timeliness of data
Topics: decision support system pandemic decision making website user satisfaction
Methods: qualitative interview mixed method experiment logistic regression chi squared test
Theories: construal level theory cognitive dissonance theory
2021 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Holsten, Johanna; Raabe, Jun-Patrick; Gebken, Larissa; Schirmer, Ingrid
Abstract: This paper examines digital innovation (DI) types and digital trends that are e ... Expand
Semantic filters: timeliness of data
Topics: artificial intelligence innovation management business model website business process innovation
Methods: deep learning machine learning qualitative coding qualitative content analysis
2021 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Hsiao, Chun-Hua; Tang, Kai-Yu
Abstract: Since its launch in 2016, Pok´emon Go has attracted huge numbers of players, cau ... Expand
Semantic filters: timeliness of data
Topics: social influence timeliness of data mobile game gamification social media
Methods: survey structural equation modeling data transformation confirmatory factor analysis survey design
Theories: media richness theory critical mass theory attachment theory social influence theory
2020 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Magnusson, Johan; Polutnik, Lidija; Ask, Urban
Abstract: Forty years ago, Bo Hedberg and Sten Jönsson proposed the notion of semi-confusi ... Expand
Semantic filters: timeliness of data
Topics: marketing management research and development new product development innovation management information exchange
Methods: qualitative interview qualitative content analysis case study personal interview archival research
Theories: ambidexterity theory
2019 | HICSS | Citations: 1
Authors: Grispos, George; Glisson, William Bradley; Storer, Tim
Abstract: An increasing number of cybersecurity incidents prompts organizations to explore ... Expand
Semantic filters: timeliness of data
Topics: database system data quality data security data accuracy timeliness of data
Methods: case study qualitative interview single case study personal interview qualitative content analysis
2018 | Information & Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Gopalakrishna-Remani, Venugopal; Brown, Jay R.; Shanker, Murali; Hu, Micheal
Abstract: Timely reporting of rare infectious disease cases to the public health system, e ... Expand
Semantic filters: timeliness of data
Topics: supply chain management health information system IT workforce world wide web timeliness of data
Methods: simulation case study cross sectional research
Theories: coordination theory
2017 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Abdelhamid, Mohamed; Howell, Pamella; Sharman, Raj
Abstract: Campus Emergency Notification Systems (ENS) are deployed to inform and direct st ... Expand
Semantic filters: timeliness of data
Topics: timeliness of data emergency warning system IS success system quality data quality
Methods: survey structural equation modeling conceptual modelling theoretical contribution survey design
Theories: information systems success model
2017 | Information & Management | Citations: 13
Authors: Kim, Sung-Eun; Lee, Kyung Young; Shin, Soo Il; Yang, Sung-Byung
Abstract: This study investigates the role of content and noncontent cues of tourism infor ... Expand
Semantic filters: timeliness of data
Topics: social media web page Sina Weibo website data quality
Methods: survey literature study factor analysis data transformation statistical hypothesis test
2016 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Laumer, Sven
Abstract: Using two explorative case studies we theorize in this paper about information q ... Expand
Semantic filters: timeliness of data
Topics: data quality user satisfaction IS success usability IT policy
Methods: case study qualitative interview multiple case study theory development critical incident technique
Theories: information systems success model information systems theory