2016 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 8
Authors: Ahuja, Suchit; Chan, Yolande E
Abstract: In this conceptual paper, we attempt to answer the question: How do firms develo ... Expand
Semantic filters: theory of constraints
Topics: digital innovation organizational productivity innovation management digital platform information technology capability
Methods: theoretical contribution literature study
Theories: co-evolution theory dynamic capabilities theory theory of economic development resource based view of the firm
2016 | Business & Information Systems Engineering | Citations: 8
Authors: Berner, Martin; Augustine, Jino; Maedche, Alexander
Abstract: Successful monitoring is essential for managing security-critical or business-c ... Expand
Semantic filters: theory of constraints
Topics: situation awareness database system theory of constraints IS maturity business process improvement
Methods: qualitative interview case study multiple case study qualitative coding triangulation
Theories: situation awareness theory information systems success model
2016 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 1
Authors: Ponte, Borja; Costas, José; Puche, Julio; de la Fuente, David; Pino, Raúl
Abstract: Since supply chains are increasingly built on complex interdependences, concerns ... Expand
Semantic filters: theory of constraints
Topics: supply chain management decision support system decision making theory of constraints analytical information system
Methods: descriptive statistic experiment experimental design conceptual modelling computational algorithm
Theories: complex adaptive system
2014 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Weerdt, Candice Vander
Abstract: This paper uses computer simulation to empirically test the sensitivity of a hos ... Expand
Semantic filters: theory of constraints
Topics: human resource management resource allocation theory of constraints
Methods: simulation experimental design experiment factorial experiment case study
2011 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Johannsen, Florian
Abstract: Quality management is becoming more and more important for the manufacturing as ... Expand
Semantic filters: theory of constraints
Topics: quality management database system Six Sigma theory of constraints
Methods: literature study qualitative interview qualitative content analysis literature sample case study
2010 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 1
Authors: Rhee, Seung-Hyun; Cho, Nam Wook; Bae, Hyerim
Abstract: In this study, a Theory of Constraints (TOC)-based method was developed to enhan ... Expand
Semantic filters: theory of constraints
Topics: business process management theory of constraints IS management IT productivity decision making
Methods: simulation business process modeling experiment case study literature study