2022 | Information & Management | Citations: 5
Authors: Lin, Canchu; Wittmer, Jenell L.S.; Luo, Xin (Robert)
Abstract: This study developed the concept of proactive information security behavior and ... Expand
Semantic filters: test validity
Topics: cybersecurity behavior information system use data security information security management organizational context
Methods: survey data transformation literature study exploratory factor analysis Student's t-test
Theories: organizational behavior theory
2019 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Kayser, Ina; Bogdahn, Olaf
Abstract: From an information and communication technology (ICT) point of view, the questi ... Expand
Semantic filters: test validity
Topics: customer satisfaction IT productivity information system use broadband cellular network mobile system
Methods: survey cluster analysis descriptive statistic partial least squares path modeling computational algorithm
Theories: two-factor theory expectation confirmation theory
2019 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Nikou, Shahrokh; BrÃ, Malin
Abstract: Considering the speed at which new digital technologies are evolving, this paper ... Expand
Semantic filters: test validity
Topics: usage intention digital literacy social norm self efficacy information system use
Methods: structural equation modeling survey fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis conceptual modelling SEM tool
Theories: technology acceptance theory
2019 | Information & Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Shamim, Saqib; Zeng, Jing; Shariq, Syed Muhammad; Khan, Zaheer
Abstract: This study examines the antecedents and influence of big data decision-making ca ... Expand
Semantic filters: test validity
Topics: big data decision making organizational culture data management IS management
Methods: factor analysis partial least squares regression survey data transformation path analysis
2019 | Information Systems Management | Citations: 3
Authors: Storm, Christiaan Philippus; Scheepers, Caren Brenda
Abstract: This article investigates how work complexity, as perceived by Information Techn ... Expand
Semantic filters: test validity
Topics: team productivity IT workforce IT development project knowledge sharing accounting
Methods: structural equation modeling factor analysis data transformation statistical hypothesis test SEM tool
Theories: complexity theory
2019 | Information & Management | Citations: 20
Authors: Wang, Le; Luo, Xin (Robert); Yang, Xue; Qiao, Zhilin
Abstract: Switching behaviors of mobile payment application received scarce attention. Thi ... Expand
Semantic filters: test validity
Topics: information privacy concern electronic payment self efficacy mobile payment mobile system
Methods: survey partial least squares regression chi squared test data transformation mediation analysis
Theories: status quo bias theory push-pull-mooring theory
2014 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Sasson, Elan; Ravid, Gilad; Pliskin, Nava
Abstract: In today’s world, organizations conduct technology assessment (TAS) prior to dec ... Expand
Semantic filters: test validity
Topics: grid computing semantic web relational database database system LinkedIn
Methods: natural language processing bibliometric analysis survey descriptive statistic computational algorithm
2013 | Journal of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Hee-Dong Yang; Sora Kang; Wonseok Oh; Min Soo Kim
Abstract: This study offers a new perspective on the task-technology fit (TTF) paradigm. I ... Expand
Semantic filters: test validity
Topics: information system use task productivity computer supported cooperative work task characteristic systems development
Methods: polynomial regression survey factor analysis theory development data transformation
Theories: economic production theory technology acceptance model theory of task technology fit
2013 | Information & Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Lee, Sangjae; Park, Sung Bum; Lim, Gyoo Gun
Abstract: To overcome the problem of limited resources, increasing numbers of small- and m ... Expand
Semantic filters: test validity
Topics: financial performance business process management customer service organization learning IT workforce
Methods: partial least squares regression data transformation statistical hypothesis test exploratory factor analysis descriptive statistic
2006 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 0
Authors: Burton-Jones, Andrew; Meso, Peter N.
Abstract: During the early phase of systems development, systems analysts often conceptual ... Expand
Semantic filters: test validity
Topics: problem solving systems analysis systems design ease of use
Methods: experiment design science unified modeling language conceptual modelling qualitative interview
Theories: social network theory