2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Akaka, M.; Schau, H.; Vargo, S.
Abstract: This paper proposes a framework for considering how practice diffusion drives t ... Expand
Semantic filters: technology adoption
Topics: internet of things innovation management technology adoption smart wearable device mobile system
2023 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Al Halbusi, Hussam; Hassani, Abdeslam; Mosconi, Elaine; Bayiz, Ahmad
Abstract: Sustainable business success is essential for achieving performance in a market ... Expand
Semantic filters: technology adoption
Topics: artificial intelligence knowledge management system information technology infrastructure computer supported cooperative work technology adoption
Methods: survey partial least squares path modeling structural equation modeling partial least squares regression statistical hypothesis test
2023 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Andraschko, Lars; Wunderlich, Philipp; Sarker, Saonee; Veit, Daniel
Abstract: Facing ever-looming climate change, studying the drivers for individuals ' Info ... Expand
Semantic filters: technology adoption
Topics: information system use green IS electronic commerce individual characteristic willingness to pay
Methods: structured literature research synthesis theory development laboratory experiment field experiment
Theories: extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology information systems theory unified theory of acceptance and use of technology
2023 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Baier, Marie-Sophie; Berger, Stephan; Kreuzer, Thomas; Oberländer, Anna; Röglinger, Maximilian
Abstract: Digital technology (DT) is creating and shaping today's world. Building on its ... Expand
Semantic filters: technology adoption
Topics: knowledge base perceived usefulness competitive advantage decision making technology adoption
Methods: cluster analysis theory development longitudinal data analysis focus group computational algorithm
Theories: information systems theory sociomaterialism theory
2023 | Electronic Markets | Citations: 0
Authors: Barta, Sergio; Gurrea, Raquel; Flavián, Carlos
Abstract: Advances in digital platforms allow influencers to use live shows to showcase pr ... Expand
Semantic filters: technology adoption
Topics: video conference virtual reality Instagram social network social media
Methods: survey field experiment statistical power analysis statistical hypothesis test experimental group
Theories: technology acceptance model
2023 | Information & Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Benitez, Jose; Castillo, Ana; Ruiz, Laura; Luo, Xin (Robert); Prades, Pedro
Abstract: This paper examines how firms have transformed and executed IT-enabled remote wo ... Expand
Semantic filters: technology adoption
Topics: remote work IT supported collaboration pandemic competitive advantage organizational value
Methods: qualitative content analysis theory development partial least squares path modeling mediation analysis statistical power analysis
Theories: contingency theory resource based view of the firm organizational theory
2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Bertot, J.; Lazar, J.; Barbosa, S.
Abstract: ... Expand
Semantic filters: technology adoption
Topics: digital divide technology adoption pandemic information system use government system
Methods: literature study cross sectional research
2023 | International Conference on Business Informatics | Citations: 0
Authors: Brechtel, Marc; Petrik, Dimitri; Hölzle, Katharina
Abstract: Many industrial firms know that inter-firm data sharing holds tremendous potent ... Expand
Semantic filters: technology adoption
Topics: digital ecosystem top management support technology adoption cloud computing supply chain management
Methods: qualitative interview case study qualitative coding group interview
Theories: socio technical theory sociotechnical systems theory
2023 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0
Authors: Brown, Susan; Sias, Richard
Abstract: There is a growing interest in understanding the role of genetics in explaining ... Expand
Semantic filters: technology adoption
Topics: information system use social media personality accounting video conference
Methods: survey mediation analysis descriptive statistic qualitative interview NeuroIS
2023 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Bui, Quang “Neo”; Moriuchi, Emi
Abstract: Recent research has mostly examined the role of health communication technology ... Expand
Semantic filters: technology adoption
Topics: social influence data quality digital dashboard system quality mobile application
Methods: survey mediation analysis partial least squares path modeling post analysis path analysis
Theories: health belief model information systems success model