2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 0
Authors: Andrei, Alina G.; van Oosterhout, J. (Hans); Sauerwald, Steve
Abstract: We investigate the effect of expressive shareholder dissent voting, in which sha ... Expand
Semantic filters: stewardship theory
Topics: corporate governance financial performance accounting organizational productivity
Methods: theory development statistical hypothesis test post-hoc analysis longitudinal research survival analysis
Theories: stewardship theory behavioral theory
2023 | Information & Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Kratzer, Simon; Westner, Markus; Strahringer, Susanne
Abstract: As small- to medium-sized enterprises struggle with IT management, an increasing ... Expand
Semantic filters: stewardship theory
Topics: Chief Information Officer IT investment individual characteristic electronic mail LinkedIn
Methods: Q methodology qualitative interview descriptive statistic survey personal interview
Theories: transaction cost economics dynamic capabilities theory stewardship theory information systems theory
2022 | Information & Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Collignon, Stephane Eric; Nazir, Salman; Surendra, Nanda Chingleput
Abstract: Software development requires intense collaboration within, across teams, and wi ... Expand
Semantic filters: stewardship theory
Topics: privacy agile software development data breach organizational culture sensemaking
Methods: qualitative interview design methodology qualitative content analysis literature study case study
Theories: stewardship theory agency theory communication privacy management theory
2022 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Virag, Peter; Bernroider, Edward; Remus, Ulrich
Abstract: Agile information systems development (ISD) is characterized by high levels of ... Expand
Semantic filters: stewardship theory
Topics: electronic mail project management team productivity task interdependence
Methods: case study theoretical contribution qualitative interview single case study
Theories: signaling theory lemon market theory stewardship theory
2021 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Caluwe, Laura; De Haes, Steven; Wilkin, Carla; Huygh, Tim
Abstract: Digital transformation is becoming ubiquitous as organizations increasingly rely ... Expand
Semantic filters: stewardship theory
Topics: IT governance corporate governance digital transformation IT risk management risk management
Methods: qualitative content analysis literature sample
Theories: stewardship theory resource dependency theory
2021 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Gierlich-Joas, Maren; Zieglmeier, Valentin; Neuburger, Rahild; Hess, Thomas
Abstract: Workplace technologies lead to increasing levels of transparency for managers a ... Expand
Semantic filters: stewardship theory
Topics: knowledge base research and development innovation management IT leadership software developer
Methods: qualitative interview literature study design science design requirement design artifact
Theories: stewardship theory lemon market theory
2021 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 2
Authors: Virag, Peter; Bernroider, Edward; Remus, Ulrich
Abstract: Finding the optimal distribution of control and flexibility is an ongoing strug ... Expand
Semantic filters: stewardship theory
Topics: Scrum agile software development IT skill
Methods: qualitative interview design methodology case study
Theories: lemon market theory agency theory stewardship theory signaling theory
2021 | Information & Management | Citations: 2
Authors: Walser, Roman; Cram, W. Alec; Bernroider, Edward W.N.; Wiener, Martin
Abstract: Extant research on the control of IS development projects is largely oriented ar ... Expand
Semantic filters: stewardship theory
Topics: agile software development electronic mail accounting job satisfaction crowdsourcing
Methods: survey hierarchical linear modeling descriptive statistic mediation analysis statistical hypothesis test
Theories: stewardship theory lemon market theory control theory
2020 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Pade-Khene, Caroline; Sieborger, Ingrid; Ngwerume, Percy; Rusike, Chido
Abstract: Research has continuously expressed a growing need for increased evidence with ... Expand
Semantic filters: stewardship theory
Topics: digital platform government system information system use decision making
Methods: longitudinal research qualitative content analysis longitudinal case study case study qualitative interview
Theories: agency theory theory of abduction stewardship theory
2020 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0
Authors: YoungKi Park; Fiss, Peer C.; El Sawy, Omar A.
Abstract: Faced with the challenge of multifaceted digital phenomena, researchers in IS an ... Expand
Semantic filters: stewardship theory
Topics: enterprise information system organizational productivity affordance environmental uncertainty research and development
Methods: theory development survey computational algorithm data transformation factor analysis
Theories: agency theory stewardship theory theory of affordance socio technical theory