2012 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0
Authors: Carlo, Jessica Luo; Lyytinen, Kalle; Boland, Jr., Richard J.
Abstract: In unpredictable and unforgiving environments, organizations need to act with ca ... Expand
Semantic filters: steel construction
Topics: mindfulness affordance information technology capability usability anonymity
Methods: field study qualitative interview theory development simulation qualitative coding
Theories: theory of affordance
2007 | Organization Science | Citations: 0
Authors: Dodgson, Mark; Gann, David M.; Salter, Ammon
Abstract: Interorganizational projects can provide a vehicle for innovation, despite the p ... Expand
Semantic filters: steel construction
Topics: innovation management telephone terrorist incident organizational change information system use
Methods: simulation qualitative interview field study participant observation theoretical contribution
Theories: boundary objects theory