2023 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Beimborn, Daniel; Mildenberger, Andreas
Abstract: Innovation through outsourcing' describes a firm's strategy to receive innovati ... Expand
Semantic filters: statistical significance
Topics: innovation management outsourcing organizational productivity financial performance absorptive capacity
Methods: regression analysis method statistical hypothesis test longitudinal research Student's t-test linear regression analysis
Theories: dynamic capabilities theory
2023 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Ben-Assuli, Ofir; Heart, Tsipi; Klempfner, Robert; Padman, Rema
Abstract: The issue of harnessing machine learning (ML) algorithms for the prediction of a ... Expand
Semantic filters: statistical significance
Topics: healthcare data decision making big data missing data data warehouse
Methods: machine learning computational algorithm XGBoost descriptive statistic random forest classification
2023 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 1
Authors: Bera, Debalina; Ogbanufe, Obi; Kim, Dan J.
Abstract: Despite anti-phishing filters, social engineering-based cyber-attacks still resu ... Expand
Semantic filters: statistical significance
Topics: phishing email phishing electronic mail email spam personalization
Methods: term frequency–inverse document frequency natural language processing topic model discriminant analysis literature study
2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 0
Authors: Bergemann, Patrick; Aven, Brandy
Abstract: Conventional accounts describe whistleblowing as prosocial behavior, where whist ... Expand
Semantic filters: statistical significance
Topics: anonymity missing data electronic mail
Methods: survey experiment hierarchical linear modeling mixed method theory development
2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 1
Authors: Bernstein, Ethan S.; Shore, Jesse C.; Jang, Alice J.
Abstract: We study the connection between communication network structure and an organizat ... Expand
Semantic filters: statistical significance
Topics: social influence problem solving internet technology social network debugging
Methods: experiment machine learning simulation Poisson regression logistic regression
Theories: organizational theory
2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 0
Authors: Boudreau, Kevin J.; Kaushik, Nilam
Abstract: Prior research, primarily based on laboratory experiments of children and studen ... Expand
Semantic filters: statistical significance
Topics: new product development mobile system internet of things accounting electronic mail
Methods: experiment Wald test field experiment laboratory experiment theory development
2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 0
Authors: Gibbons, Robert; Grieder, Manuel; Herz, Holger; Zehnder, Christian
Abstract: Effective collaboration within and between organizations requires efficient adap ... Expand
Semantic filters: statistical significance
Topics: competitive advantage organizational productivity organizational culture anonymity
Methods: experiment descriptive statistic survey laboratory experiment statistical power analysis
Theories: game theory organizational theory
2023 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Glanz, Alena; Greven, Andrea; Brettel, Malte
Abstract: The information systems (IS) literature elaborates on how firms develop organiz ... Expand
Semantic filters: statistical significance
Topics: sensemaking information systems strategy information technology capability electronic business systems implementation
Methods: survey partial least squares path modeling descriptive statistic partial least squares regression mediation analysis
Theories: technological frames of reference theory of organizational sensemaking dynamic capabilities theory
2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 0
Authors: Gorbatai, Andreea; Younkin, Peter; Burtch, Gordon
Abstract: To what extent are individual or organizational biases affected by racially sali ... Expand
Semantic filters: statistical significance
Topics: crowdfunding crowdsourcing website criminality application programming interface
Methods: experiment parametric test statistical hypothesis test survey facial recognition system
2023 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Gordetzki, Philipp; Blohm, Ivo; Hofstetter, Reto
Abstract: ... Expand
Semantic filters: statistical significance
Topics: artificial intelligence innovation management generative AI human computer interaction human AI collaboration
Methods: experiment statistical hypothesis test experimental group survey experimental design
Theories: media synchronicity theory dual-coding theory