2022 | Journal of Information Technology | Citations: 0
Authors: Baskerville, Richard L; Davison, Robert M; Kaul, Mala; Malaurent, Julien; Wong, Louie HM
Abstract: The close relationship between the concepts of information systems and informati ... Expand
Semantic filters: soft systems methodology
Topics: IT workforce system integration pseudonymity digital ecosystem electronic finance
Methods: qualitative interview design artifact theory development literature sample field study
Theories: soft systems theory general systems theory
2020 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Crick, Charles; Chew, Eng K.
Abstract: To be agile, organization need to be able to quickly reconfigure their internal ... Expand
Semantic filters: soft systems methodology
Topics: business process management affordance spreadsheet innovation management knowledge representation
Methods: case study theory development conceptual modelling qualitative interview ontological modelling
Theories: dynamic capabilities theory theory of workarounds dominant logic actor network theory sociomaterialism theory
2019 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Leal, Leonardo A Espinosa; Chapman, Anthony; Westerlund, Magnus
Abstract: A common problem for deep reinforcement learning networks is a lack of training ... Expand
Semantic filters: soft systems methodology
Topics: extended reality decision making soft systems methodology artificial intelligence
Methods: reinforcement learning literature study experiment conceptual modelling design methodology
2017 | Information and Organization | Citations: 0
Authors: Demetis, Dionysios S.; Lee, Allen S.
Abstract: We address the commentaries of Robey and Mikhaeil, of Mingers, and of Schultze w ... Expand
Semantic filters: soft systems methodology
Topics: knowledge representation soft systems methodology database system IS discipline information management
Methods: theory development ontological modelling field study bibliometric analysis action research
Theories: general systems theory
2017 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Kramer, Tommi; Heinzl, Armin; Neben, Tillmann
Abstract: While the decision to outsource software development tasks was mainly considered ... Expand
Semantic filters: soft systems methodology
Topics: outsourcing decision support system decision support usage intention usability
Methods: survey design artifact design science parametric test Student's t-test
Theories: technology acceptance model transaction cost economics
2017 | Information and Organization | Citations: 0
Authors: Mingers, John
Abstract: Demetis and Lee's paper outlines criteria for constructing theory in accordance ... Expand
Semantic filters: soft systems methodology
Topics: soft systems methodology
Methods: system dynamics design methodology mixed method
Theories: general systems theory complexity theory
2016 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 14
Authors: Mortenson, Michael J.; Vidgen, Richard
Abstract: a b s t r a c tA literature review is a central part of any research project, a ... Expand
Semantic filters: soft systems methodology
Topics: spreadsheet cloud computing big data insider threat soft systems methodology
Methods: literature study topic model literature sample computational algorithm co-citation analysis
Theories: technology acceptance model sociomaterialism theory actor network theory
2014 | Group Decision and Negotiation | Citations: 0
Authors: Antunes, Pedro; Zurita, Gustavo; Baloian, Nelson; Sapateiro, Claudio
Abstract: Collaborative spatial decision making (CSDM) involves multiple stakeholders maki ... Expand
Semantic filters: soft systems methodology
Topics: decision making business process design situation awareness Google Cloud Platform tablet
Methods: conceptual modelling experiment computational algorithm design requirement synthesis
2013 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 125
Authors: Dobson, Philip; Jackson, Paul; Gengatharen, Denise
Abstract: Universal fast broadband is currently being implemented by the Australian govern ... Expand
Semantic filters: soft systems methodology
Topics: technology adoption web application geographic information system social media social network
Methods: qualitative interview focus group case study cross sectional research theory development
Theories: technology acceptance model
2011 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 14
Authors: Bergvall-Kåreborn, Birgitta; Howcroft, Debra
Abstract: The uptake of Internet-enabled multifunctional mobile devices is an emerging are ... Expand
Semantic filters: soft systems methodology
Topics: mobile application Apple iPhone Android Google+ business model
Methods: qualitative interview survey field study design methodology cross sectional research