2023 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0
Authors: Horita, Flávio; Baptista, João; de Albuquerque, João Porto
Abstract: This paper traces the expansion of a network of IoT sensors to improve the effec ... Expand
Semantic filters: situation awareness theory
Topics: mobile system internet of things situational awareness decision making analytical information system
Methods: qualitative interview personal interview case study qualitative coding machine learning
Theories: situation awareness theory
2023 | International Conference on Business Informatics | Citations: 0
Authors: Kauffmann, Anna Lina; Neubauer, Maria; Reinsch, Felix; Reuther, Melina; Schick, Doreen; Stark, Jeannette; Bley, Katja; Heidmann, Nick; Eymann, Torsten
Abstract: The Covid 19 pandemic revealed the need for Public Health Agencies to mature di ... Expand
Semantic filters: situation awareness theory
Topics: IS maturity user friendliness system efficiency usability situation awareness
Methods: data transformation principal component analysis survey maturity model design science
Theories: balance theory situation awareness theory
2022 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 1
Authors: Bachura, Eric; Valech, Rohit; Chen, Rui; Rao, H. Raghav
Abstract: This paper investigates the shared emotional responses of Twitter users in the a ... Expand
Semantic filters: situation awareness theory
Topics: Twitter data breach social media IT security situational awareness
Methods: topic model sentiment analysis descriptive statistic longitudinal research feature engineering
Theories: situation awareness theory
2021 | Information & Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Li, Lifang; Tian, Jun; Zhang, Qingpeng; Zhou, Jiaqi
Abstract: Identifying the key factors of the disaster-related information propagation proc ... Expand
Semantic filters: situation awareness theory
Topics: social capital social media earthquake situational awareness emergency management
Methods: regression analysis method descriptive statistic multiple linear regression Poisson regression statistical hypothesis test
Theories: situation awareness theory construal level theory social capital theory
2020 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Ahmad, Atif; Desouza, Kevin; Maynard, Sean B; Whitty, Monica; Kotsias, James; Baskerville, Richard
Abstract: Organized, sophisticated and persistent cyber-threat agents pose a significant c ... Expand
Semantic filters: situation awareness theory
Topics: IT security situation awareness IT security threat decision support
Methods: business process modeling case study literature study qualitative interview personal interview
Theories: decision theory situation awareness theory
2020 | Journal of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 24
Authors: Goldkuhl, Göran; Karlsson, Fredrik
Abstract: In this paper, we motivate, devise, demonstrate, and evaluate an approach for th ... Expand
Semantic filters: situation awareness theory
Topics: knowledge base system development method requirements analysis business process management systems design
Methods: theory development design artifact business process modeling literature sample design science
Theories: situation awareness theory
2019 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Buettner, Ricardo; Baumgartl, Hermann
Abstract: Using convolutional neural networks we extend the work by Dugdale’s group on soc ... Expand
Semantic filters: situation awareness theory
Topics: conversational agent emergency management robotic situation awareness situational awareness
Methods: machine learning convolutional neural network deep learning literature study TensorFlow
Theories: situation awareness theory
2018 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 5
Authors: Eismann, Kathrin; Posegga, Oliver; Fischbach, Kai
Abstract: Researchers and practitioners alike recognise the importance of emergency manage ... Expand
Semantic filters: situation awareness theory
Topics: social media decision making situational awareness crowdsourcing problem solving
Methods: literature study structured literature research literature sample case study
Theories: situation awareness theory
2018 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Goonawardene, Nadee; Leong, Carmen; Tan, Hwee-Pink
Abstract: In recent years, in-home Sensor-based Elderly Monitoring Systems (SEMS) have pen ... Expand
Semantic filters: situation awareness theory
Topics: situation awareness internet of things mobile system problem solving website
Methods: design principle action design research design science personal interview literature study
Theories: situation awareness theory
2016 | Business & Information Systems Engineering | Citations: 8
Authors: Berner, Martin; Augustine, Jino; Maedche, Alexander
Abstract: Successful monitoring is essential for managing security-critical or business-c ... Expand
Semantic filters: situation awareness theory
Topics: situation awareness database system theory of constraints IS maturity business process improvement
Methods: qualitative interview case study multiple case study qualitative coding triangulation
Theories: situation awareness theory information systems success model