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Found 34 articles
  • Novel role-wise attention mechanism for predicting purchases made through chat-based online customer services


    2023 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Wang, Yajing; Chen, Gang; Xu, Yunjie (Calvin); Lu, Xianghua

    Abstract: Online chat has become a key channel for firms to provide pre-purchase customer ... Expand

    Semantic filters: service-support information system

    Topics: customer service social media online chat Python service-support information system

    Methods: machine learning BERT deep learning design artifact ablation analysis

  • Anthropomorphism of AI-based Intelligent Customer Service, and Its Affective and Behavioral Consequences


    2022 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: Chang-Chien, Yu-Ting; Cheng, Jacob Chun; Hsu, Shih-Chieh; Yeh, Yi Wen

    Abstract: Recently, as many users turn to social media to interact with service providers, ... Expand

    Semantic filters: service-support information system

    Topics: customer service artificial intelligence service-support information system robotic system quality

    Methods: chatbot survey factor analysis descriptive statistic cross sectional research

  • Racial Bias in Customer Service: Evidence from Twitter


    2022 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 6

    Authors: Gunarathne, Priyanga; Rui, Huaxia; Seidmann, Abraham

    Abstract: This paper provides the first large-scale evidence of business-to-customer racia ... Expand

    Semantic filters: service-support information system

    Topics: Twitter social media customer service application programming interface business-to-consumer

    Methods: experimental group deep learning biometric measurement facial recognition system econometric modeling

  • Can we Help the Bots? Towards an Evaluation of their Performance and the Creation of Human Enhanced Artifact for Emotions De-escalation


    2022 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: Palese, Biagio; Pickard, Matthew; Bartosiak, Marcin

    Abstract: We propose a hybrid intelligence socio-technical artifact that identifies a thre ... Expand

    Semantic filters: service-support information system

    Topics: application programming interface system support digital dashboard crowdsourcing gamification

    Methods: chatbot design artifact random forest classification kernel theory design requirement

    Theories: yield shift theory of satisfaction nudge theory

  • Integration of AI into Customer Service: A Taxonomy to Inform Design Decisions

    2022 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 4

    Authors: Poser, Mathis; Wiethof, Christina; Bittner, Eva

    Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly deployed in customer service for v ... Expand

    Semantic filters: service-support information system

    Topics: artificial intelligence customer service database system service-support information system knowledge base

    Methods: personal interview survey design science literature study structured literature research

  • Service Failure Recovery in the Sharing Economy: A Case Study of Airbnb


    2021 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: Sosa, Luis; Abhari, Kaveh; Pesavento, Michael; Koobchehr, Farzan; Xiao, Bo; Kohsuwan, Pocky; Olivares, Fernando

    Abstract: Sharing platforms are becoming increasingly common, revolutionizing how peers in ... Expand

    Semantic filters: service-support information system

    Topics: Airbnb sharing platform digital platform customer service IS failure

    Methods: qualitative coding case study qualitative content analysis longitudinal research

  • “What can I(S) do for you?”: How technology enables service providers to elicit customers’ preferences and deliver personalized service


    2020 | Information & Management | Citations: 0

    Authors: Bonaretti, Dario; Bartosiak, Marcin; Lui, Tsz-Wai; Piccoli, Gabriele; Marchesani, Daniele

    Abstract: This research studies the effective use of an IT-enabled Customer Service System ... Expand

    Semantic filters: service-support information system

    Topics: usability personalization information system use participatory design online review

    Methods: design methodology longitudinal research chi squared test logistic regression archival research

    Theories: representation theory service-dominant logic

  • A Platform for Value Co-creation in SME Networks


    2020 | DESRIST | Citations: 0

    Authors: Hönigsberg, Sarah

    Abstract: The design of digital value co-creation (VCC) platforms is an increasingly promi ... Expand

    Semantic filters: service-support information system

    Topics: business process innovation innovation management digital platform knowledge base value creation

    Methods: action design research design principle design science design theory design methodology

    Theories: service-dominant logic

  • Business Practice of Social Media - Platform and Customer Service Adoption

    2020 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Sun, Shujing; Gao, Yang; Rui, Huaxia

    Abstract: This paper examines the key drivers in business adoptions of the platform and cu ... Expand

    Semantic filters: service-support information system

    Topics: Twitter social media customer service decision making marketing management

    Methods: survival analysis hazard function longitudinal research

    Theories: theory of everything institutional theory

  • Heuristic Theorizing in Software Development: Deriving Design Principles for Smart Glasses-based Systems

    2019 | International Conference on Business Informatics | Citations: 0

    Authors: Berkemeier, Lisa; Zobel, Benedikt; Werning, Sebastian; Vogel, Jannis; Ickerott, Ingmar; Thomas, Oliver

    Abstract: Design knowledge on smart glasses-based systems is scarce. Utilizing literature ... Expand

    Semantic filters: service-support information system

    Topics: smart glass logistics management usability systems development computer hardware

    Methods: design principle design artifact qualitative interview theory development theoretical contribution