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Found 6 articles
  • Understanding the Digital Resilience of Physicians during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Empirical Study

    2023 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0

    Authors: Liu, Yinghao; Xu, Xin; Jin, Yong; Deng, Honglin

    Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the urgent need for healthcare entities t ... Expand

    Semantic filters: decision making null hypothesis service quality

    Topics: pandemic electronic health business continuity planning disaster recovery information system use

    Methods: longitudinal research experimental group longitudinal survey augmented Dickey–Fuller test time series analysis

  • Disaggregating the Differential Impact of Healthcare IT in Complex Care Delivery: Insights from Field Research in Chronic Care


    2021 | Journal of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 2

    Authors: Aron, Ravi; Pathak, Praveen

    Abstract: This study focuses on the impact of digitizing medical information on the effic ... Expand

    Semantic filters: decision making null hypothesis service quality

    Topics: task characteristic healthcare data decision making productivity service quality

    Methods: theory development longitudinal research Student's t-test parametric test survey design

    Theories: theory of task technology fit graph theory organizational theory

  • AI Divide versus Inclusion: An Empirical Evidence from an On-demand Food Delivery Platform

    2021 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Kim, Yeonseo; Eom, Jiyong; Yoon, Tae Jung; Chung, Albert Jin; Kim, Myunghwan

    Abstract: Despite the growing adoption of AI in business operations, the potential differ ... Expand

    Semantic filters: decision making null hypothesis service quality

    Topics: artificial intelligence productivity service quality individual productivity information technology operation

    Methods: difference in differences propensity score method descriptive statistic propensity score matching longitudinal research

  • Applying behavioral economics in predictive analytics for B2B churn: Findings from service quality data


    2017 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 6

    Authors: Barfar, Arash; Padmanabhan, Balaji; Hevner, Alan

    Abstract: Motivated by the long-standing debate on rationality in behavioral economics and ... Expand

    Semantic filters: decision making null hypothesis service quality

    Topics: business-to-business service quality extract transform load process database system decision making

    Methods: machine learning longitudinal research time series analysis feature engineering sensitivity analysis

    Theories: behavioral economics attribution theory theory of bounded rationality

  • An Exploratory Study of the Formation and Impact of Electronic Service Failures

    2016 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 92

    Authors: Tan, Chee-Wee; Benbasat, Izak; Cenfetelli, Ronald T.

    Abstract: E-commerce service failures have been the bane of e-commerce, compelling custome ... Expand

    Semantic filters: decision making null hypothesis service quality

    Topics: electronic commerce website IS failure IS success service quality

    Methods: survey chi squared test qualitative content analysis post-hoc analysis qualitative interview

    Theories: expectation disconfirmation theory fuzzy set theory

  • Service quality of mHealth platforms: development and validation of a hierarchical model using PLS


    2010 | Electronic Markets | Citations: 32

    Authors: Akter, Shahriar; D’Ambra, John; Ray, Pradeep

    Abstract: Advancing research on service quality requires clarifying the theoretical concep ... Expand

    Semantic filters: decision making null hypothesis service quality

    Topics: service quality mobile health mobile system system reliability system efficiency

    Methods: partial least squares path modeling survey partial least squares regression qualitative interview longitudinal research

    Theories: SERVQUAL