2023 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Hsu, Chia-Lin
Abstract: Advances in and increased access to mobile technology have prompted businesses t ... Expand
Semantic filters: digital distribution self reported survey
Topics: gamification mobile application marketing management consumer behavior affordance
Methods: survey theory development data transformation SEM tool confirmatory factor analysis
2022 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0
Authors: Sequeiros, Helder; Oliveira, Tiago; Thomas, Manoj A.
Abstract: Smart home services are a new generation of consumer services. Supported by the ... Expand
Semantic filters: digital distribution self reported survey
Topics: smart home internet of things mobile system behavioral intention usage intention
Methods: survey partial least squares regression conceptual modelling factor analysis self reported survey
Theories: extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology unified theory of acceptance and use of technology elaboration likelihood model
2021 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Gimpel, Henner; Nüske, Niclas; Regal, Christian
Abstract: Positive self-tracking technologies support users in conducting personal analyti ... Expand
Semantic filters: digital distribution self reported survey
Topics: user experience affordance usability mobile application systems design
Methods: field experiment path analysis experiment self reported survey Cochran-Mantel-Haenzel test
Theories: theory of affordance self determination theory
2021 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Liu, Yi; Song, Jiahe; Wang, Xuan; Tang, Xinlin
Abstract: App evolution has been shown to continuously lead to app success from the devel ... Expand
Semantic filters: digital distribution self reported survey
Topics: mobile application ease of use mobile application market digital distribution perceived usefulness
Methods: data transformation descriptive statistic survey qualitative content analysis parametric test
Theories: technology acceptance model unified theory of acceptance and use of technology diffusion of innovations theory TAM2
2019 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Egbert, David; Paluch, Stefanie
Abstract: Mobile applications have the potential to significantly change the way businesse ... Expand
Semantic filters: digital distribution self reported survey
Topics: technology adoption mobile application financial performance top management support logistics management
Methods: survey logistic regression structural equation modeling qualitative coding qualitative interview
Theories: theory of everything
2019 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Trevisan, Filippo; Cogburn, Derrick L
Abstract: The effective participation of the disability community in global governance is ... Expand
Semantic filters: digital distribution self reported survey
Topics: social media electronic mail website telephone digital media
Methods: survey qualitative interview participatory action research self reported survey
Theories: theory of affordance
2019 | Journal of Management Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Yang, Shuai; Xiong, Guiyang
Abstract: A revolutionary application of the virtual reality technology in online retailin ... Expand
Semantic filters: digital distribution self reported survey
Topics: customer satisfaction electronic commerce mobile application marketing management tablet
Methods: field experiment experimental group experiment statistical hypothesis test laboratory experiment
2018 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Babar, Yash; Chan, Jason; Choi, Ben
Abstract: Exercise tracking apps are a novel, scalable, and affordable tool for delivering ... Expand
Semantic filters: digital distribution self reported survey
Topics: mobile application frequency of use information system use social presence mobile system
Methods: experiment experimental group survey field experiment mediation analysis
2018 | HICSS | Citations: 7
Authors: Wolf, Tobias; Weiger, Welf H; Hammerschmidt, Maik
Abstract: Recently, many digital service providers started to gamify their services to pro ... Expand
Semantic filters: digital distribution self reported survey
Topics: mobile application digital service gamification digital distribution mobile application market
Methods: survey cluster analysis conceptual modelling self reported survey data transformation
Theories: self determination theory
2016 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0
Authors: Gerpott, Torsten J.; Meinert, Phil
Abstract: In many countries mobile network operators (MNOs) offer their customers the poss ... Expand
Semantic filters: digital distribution self reported survey
Topics: mobile system smartphone mobile payment electronic payment information system use
Methods: statistical hypothesis test probit regression regression analysis method chi squared test survey