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Found 9 articles
  • Unpacking the Black Box: A Cognitive Process Model of Escalation of Commitment in IS Project Management

    2023 | International Conference on Business Informatics | Citations: 0

    Authors: Marx, Carolin; Uebernickel, Falk

    Abstract: In the plethora of challenges associated with managing Information Systems (IS) ... Expand

    Semantic filters: self justification theory

    Topics: decision making IT project IT project management decision quality project productivity

    Methods: business process modeling simulation qualitative coding

    Theories: cognitive dissonance theory self justification theory punctuated equilibrium theory

  • Disentangling Emotional and Cognitive Factors of Escalation of Commitment: Evidence for a Psychophysiological Link

    2023 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Marx, Carolin; Uebernickel, Falk

    Abstract: Escalation of commitment -the tendency to persist with failing courses of actio ... Expand

    Semantic filters: self justification theory

    Topics: decision making IT project artificial intelligence cloud computing decision support

    Methods: regression analysis method simulation biometric measurement experiment descriptive statistic

    Theories: self justification theory cognitive dissonance theory cognitive theory

  • The Effects of Quote Retweet on Subsequent Posting Behavior and Morality Expression on Social Media

    2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: Wu, Yan; Du, Qianzhou; Zhang, Xiaohui; Zhang, John

    Abstract: Guided by the Threshold model and Self-justification theory, we propose and test ... Expand

    Semantic filters: self justification theory

    Topics: Twitter social media climate change pandemic criminality

    Methods: experimental group propensity score matching natural language processing econometric modeling deep learning

    Theories: self justification theory cognitive dissonance theory

  • When a growth mindset can backfire and cause escalation of commitment to a troubled information technology project


    2021 | Information Systems Journal | Citations: 4

    Authors: Lee, Jong Seok; Keil, Mark; Wong, Kin Fai Ellick

    Abstract: This research focuses on information technology (IT) project managers' growth mi ... Expand

    Semantic filters: self justification theory

    Topics: project management IT project web page risk management decision making

    Methods: experiment theory development parametric test statistical hypothesis test one-way ANOVA

    Theories: agency theory prospect theory self justification theory

  • The effects of relative and criticism-based performance appraisals on task-level escalation in an IT project: a laboratory experiment


    2018 | European Journal of Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Lee, Jong Seok; Keil, Mark

    Abstract: While performance appraisals provide an opportunity for managers to review emplo ... Expand

    Semantic filters: self justification theory

    Topics: IT project project management self efficacy software developer programming language

    Methods: experimental group parametric test theory development ANOVA experiment

    Theories: prospect theory goal orientation theory self justification theory agency theory

  • The Impact of Creativity and Information Load on Escalation of Commitment

    2015 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 1

    Authors: Roetzel, Peter G

    Abstract: This experimental study analyzes how two key factors, information load and creat ... Expand

    Semantic filters: self justification theory

    Topics: project management IT project decision making information overload resource allocation

    Methods: experiment ANOVA parametric test experimental group survey

    Theories: self justification theory cognitive load theory psychological theory

  • Understanding overbidding behavior in C2C auctions: an escalation theory perspective


    2012 | European Journal of Information Systems | Citations: 10

    Authors: Park, Sang Cheol; Keil, Mark; Kim, Jong UK; Bock, Gee-Woo

    Abstract: With millions of online auctions per day, sites such as eBay have revolutionized ... Expand

    Semantic filters: self justification theory

    Topics: online auction marketing management real-time bidding accounting technology adoption

    Methods: survey partial least squares regression data transformation factor analysis regression analysis method

    Theories: escalation theory self justification theory prospect theory cognitive dissonance theory

  • Why Software Projects Escalate: An Empirical Analysis and Test of Four Theoretical Models

    2000 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 158

    Authors: Keil, Mark; Mann, Joan; Rai, Arun

    Abstract: Software projects can often spiral out of control to become "runaway systems" t ... Expand

    Semantic filters: self justification theory

    Topics: IT project logistics management project productivity accounting project management

    Methods: survey survey design regression analysis method logistic regression chi squared test

    Theories: agency theory prospect theory lemon market theory escalation theory self justification theory

  • Understanding Runaway Information Technology Projects: Results from an International Research Program Based on Escalation Theory

    1994 | Journal of Management Information Systems | Citations: 13

    Authors: Keil, Mark; Mixon, Richard; Saarinen, Timo; Tuunainen, Virpi

    Abstract: Information technology (IT) projects can fail for any number of reasons, and can ... Expand

    Semantic filters: self justification theory

    Topics: IT project project management missing data IT development project research and development

    Methods: experiment experimental group laboratory experiment parametric test ANOVA

    Theories: self justification theory prospect theory escalation theory