2023 | Information Systems Journal | Citations: 0
Authors: Adam, Martin; Reinelt, Annika; Roethke, Konstantin
Abstract: To motivate visitors to engage with websites, e-tailers widely employ monetary r ... Expand
Semantic filters: self determination theory
Topics: website electronic mail electronic commerce gamification website design
Methods: experiment randomized field experiment survey experimental task mixed method
Theories: cognitive evaluation theory self determination theory
2023 | Journal of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 1
Authors: Babar, Yash; Curley, Shawn; Ke, Zhihong; Liu, De; Sheffler, Zachary
Abstract: We investigate how two digitally delivered nudges, namely light social support ... Expand
Semantic filters: self determination theory
Topics: mobile phone web forum intrinsic motivation user behavior
Methods: longitudinal research difference in differences Poisson regression propensity score matching robustness check
Theories: self determination theory
2023 | Information & Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Banerjee, Shankhadeep; Bhattacharyya, Samadrita; Bose, Indranil
Abstract: We use the lens of the intrinsic/extrinsic motivation theory to holistically mod ... Expand
Semantic filters: self determination theory
Topics: online community intrinsic motivation electronic health blockchain online review
Methods: theory development ANOVA parametric test regression analysis method experimental group
Theories: motivation theory self determination theory cognitive evaluation theory
2023 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Bartsch, Sebastian; Schmidt, Jan-Hendrik
Abstract: While designing artificial intelligence (AI)-based systems, AI developers usual ... Expand
Semantic filters: self determination theory
Topics: artificial intelligence social presence systems development
Methods: survey partial least squares path modeling theoretical contribution mediation analysis qualitative interview
Theories: self determination theory
2023 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Beşer, Alper; Erdogan, Aleyna
Abstract: Social media apps like TikTok have influenced the daily lives of billions of us ... Expand
Semantic filters: self determination theory
Topics: mobile application social media usage intention information system use YouTube
Methods: survey statistical hypothesis test experiment structural equation modeling partial least squares regression
Theories: technology acceptance model social network theory self determination theory
2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Clary, G.; Van Slyke, C.
Abstract: Academic research should show a transparent methodology. Transparency is import ... Expand
Semantic filters: self determination theory
Topics: remote work IT supported collaboration pandemic
Methods: qualitative interview qualitative coding triangulation design principle qualitative content analysis
Theories: self determination theory
2023 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Chen, Yu; Hill, Timothy
Abstract: We describe a pedagogical study in which we designed and implemented a module f ... Expand
Semantic filters: self determination theory
Topics: artificial intelligence anonymity IT career entrepreneurship innovation management
Methods: survey Student's t-test parametric test personal interview design methodology
Theories: self determination theory
2023 | European Journal of Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Davis, Joshua; Agrawal, Deepti; Guo, Xiang
Abstract: Employee behaviour is fundamental to corporate information security (InfoSec) ca ... Expand
Semantic filters: self determination theory
Topics: knowledge base IT job cybersecurity behavior resource allocation electronic mail
Methods: survey design survey partial least squares regression psychometrics partial least squares path modeling
Theories: self determination theory
2023 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Fu, JenRuei; Hsu, Chiung-Wen
Abstract: Feedback serves a key role of closing the gap between students' current underst ... Expand
Semantic filters: self determination theory
Topics: gamification user interface usability enterprise architecture structured query language
Methods: survey design artifact
Theories: self determination theory
2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Havstorm, Tanja Elina; Karlsson, Fredrik; Hedström, Karin
Abstract: Misinterpretations and faulty use of Software Development Method (SDM) practices ... Expand
Semantic filters: self determination theory
Topics: Scrum software developer problem solving
Methods: qualitative interview design methodology field study ethnography
Theories: self determination theory social action theory organizational behavior theory motivation theory