2023 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0
Authors: Chatterjee, Sheshadri; Rana, Nripendra P.; Khorana, Sangeeta; Mikalef, Patrick; Sharma, Anuj
Abstract: This paper tests the meta-analysis based unified theory of acceptance and use of ... Expand
Semantic filters: root mean square residual
Topics: artificial intelligence customer relationship management system behavioral intention usage intention social influence
Methods: survey partial least squares path modeling partial least squares regression mediation analysis theoretical contribution
Theories: unified theory of acceptance and use of technology
2022 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 2
Authors: Chen, Liwei; Hsieh, J. J. Po-An; Rai, Arun
Abstract: Intelligent systems (IntelSys) are transforming the nature of work as humans and ... Expand
Semantic filters: root mean square residual
Topics: task productivity IT skill customer satisfaction system maintenance customer service
Methods: survey theory development chi squared test descriptive statistic statistical hypothesis test
2022 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Dagliyan, George; Granados, Nelson; Russell, Cristel
Abstract: From autonomous vehicles to smart home assistants and telemedicine, artificial ... Expand
Semantic filters: root mean square residual
Topics: artificial intelligence usage intention technology adoption smart home privacy
Methods: survey factor analysis statistical hypothesis test descriptive statistic cross sectional research
Theories: technology acceptance model
2022 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Junglas, Iris; Goel, Lakshmi; Rehm, Sven-V.; Ives, Blake
Abstract: Technology driven organizational transformation—heightened during the COVID-19 p ... Expand
Semantic filters: root mean square residual
Topics: information system use technology adoption IT policy IS impact innovation management
Methods: survey PLS tool partial least squares regression ANOVA parametric test
2019 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 0
Authors: Eisend, Martin
Abstract: Many studies have investigated why users engage in digital piracy. The theoretic ... Expand
Semantic filters: root mean square residual
Topics: digital piracy social influence cross cultural research database system internet technology
Methods: meta analysis regression analysis method hierarchical linear modeling theory development literature study
Theories: cultural dimensions theory expected utility theory theory of planned behavior organizational behavior theory
2019 | Information & Management | Citations: 7
Authors: Hu, Tao; Dai, Hua; Salam, A. F.
Abstract: The wide popularity and rapid growth of social commerce have opened a new arena ... Expand
Semantic filters: root mean square residual
Topics: social commerce participatory design marketing management information system use social media
Methods: survey design methodology structural equation modeling partial least squares regression literature study
Theories: service-dominant logic
2019 | Organization Science | Citations: 0
Authors: Maloney, Mary M.; Shah, Priti Pradhan; Zellmer-Bruhn, Mary; Jones, Stephen L.
Abstract: This paper introduces the concept of tie vitality, which indicates the durabilit ... Expand
Semantic filters: root mean square residual
Topics: social network accounting team productivity missing data social capital
Methods: survey descriptive statistic statistical hypothesis test confirmatory factor analysis sensitivity analysis
Theories: social network theory
2018 | Information Systems Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Chen, Leida; Nath, Ravi
Abstract: This study develops a measure for business analytics (BA) maturity and empirical ... Expand
Semantic filters: root mean square residual
Topics: analytical information system IS impact top management support IT alignment organizational productivity
Methods: survey path analysis maturity model factor analysis parametric test
Theories: socio technical theory sociotechnical systems theory
2018 | Information & Management | Citations: 9
Authors: Ryu, Hyun-Sun; Lee, Jae-Nam
Abstract: Although prior studies have stressed the importance of technology in service inn ... Expand
Semantic filters: root mean square residual
Topics: innovation management business process innovation organizational productivity Chief Information Officer digital innovation
Methods: survey chi squared test data transformation factor analysis SEM tool
2017 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Abdelhamid, Mohamed; Sharman, Raj
Abstract: Health Information Exchange (HIE) are multi-sided platforms that facilitate the ... Expand
Semantic filters: root mean square residual
Topics: perceived usefulness social influence healthcare data information exchange personal health record
Methods: survey survey design structural equation modeling SEM tool theoretical contribution
Theories: unified theory of acceptance and use of technology