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Found 19 articles
  • How smart technology empowers consumers in smart retail stores? The perspective of technology readiness and situational factors


    2023 | Electronic Markets | Citations: 0

    Authors: Chen, Jiahe; Chang, Yu-Wei

    Abstract: Smart retail stores have been gaining momentum in smart retailing. Instead of re ... Expand

    Semantic filters: response rate retail outlet

    Topics: business model innovation management price management accounting

    Methods: survey structural equation modeling statistical power analysis partial least squares regression partial least squares path modeling

  • The crowd against the few: Measuring the impact of expert recommendations


    2020 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Herm-Stapelberg, Nils; Rothlauf, Franz

    Abstract: A large amount of research on recommender systems has focused on improving the a ... Expand

    Semantic filters: response rate retail outlet

    Topics: user behavior digital service video streaming service recommender system website

    Methods: experimental group survey computational algorithm experiment naïve bayes

  • Use of online information and suitability of target in shoplifting: A routine activity based analysis


    2018 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 2

    Authors: Lee, Jaeung; de Guzman, Melchor C.; Talebi, Nasim; Korni, Swaroop Kumar; Szumigala, Donald; Rao, H. Raghav

    Abstract: Shoplifting is the largest contributor to inventory depletion in the US retail s ... Expand

    Semantic filters: response rate retail outlet

    Topics: decision making website criminality missing data internet technology

    Methods: survey partial least squares regression theory development survey design factor analysis

    Theories: activity theory

  • Big data technologies: An empirical investigation on their adoption, benefits and risks for companies


    2018 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 39

    Authors: Raguseo, Elisabetta

    Abstract: Companies currently have to deal with profound changes in the way they manage th ... Expand

    Semantic filters: response rate retail outlet

    Topics: big data Chief Information Officer radio frequency identification Apache Hadoop MapReduce

    Methods: survey Kruskal Wallis test exploratory data analysis machine learning nonparametric test

  • The Impact of Online Product Reviews on Product Returns


    2018 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 43

    Authors: Sahoo, Nachiketa; Dellarocas, Chrysanthos; Srinivasan, Shuba

    Abstract: Although many researchers in information systems and marketing have studied the ... Expand

    Semantic filters: response rate retail outlet

    Topics: online review logistics management user-generated content electronic mail consumer behavior

    Methods: product review mathematical model regression analysis method econometric modeling statistical hypothesis test

  • Balancing exploration and exploitation of IT resources: The influence of Digital Business Intensity on perceived organizational performance


    2017 | European Journal of Information Systems | Citations: 93

    Authors: Nwankpa, J.K.; Datta, P.

    Abstract: Facing a barrage of novel information technology (IT), organizations must invest ... Expand

    Semantic filters: response rate retail outlet

    Topics: information technology capability organizational productivity missing data information technology infrastructure boundary spanning

    Methods: survey partial least squares regression survey design data transformation regression analysis method

    Theories: resource based view of the firm organizational behavior theory

  • Institutional pressures in security management: Direct and indirect influences on organizational investment in information security control resources


    2015 | Information & Management | Citations: 0

    Authors: Cavusoglu, Huseyin; Cavusoglu, Hasan; Son, Jai-Yeol; Benbasat, Izak

    Abstract: To offer theoretical explanations of why differences exist in the level of infor ... Expand

    Semantic filters: response rate retail outlet

    Topics: data security information technology capability human resource management IT security threat IT manager

    Methods: survey partial least squares regression statistical hypothesis test Student's t-test psychometrics

    Theories: institutional theory transaction cost economics resource based view of the firm

  • Getting the most out of third party trust seals: An empirical analysis


    2015 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 11

    Authors: Özpolat, Koray; Jank, Wolfgang

    Abstract: Electronic markets have successfully adopted third party trust seals as a self-r ... Expand

    Semantic filters: response rate retail outlet

    Topics: website electronic commerce electronic mail web application logistics management

    Methods: experiment randomized field experiment descriptive statistic statistical hypothesis test field experiment

  • Store selection criteria and sales prediction in virtual worlds


    2014 | Information & Management | Citations: 7

    Authors: Krasonikolakis, Ioannis; Vrechopoulos, Adam; Pouloudi, Athanasia

    Abstract: Virtual worlds (VWs) have emerged as a new context for gaming, collaboration, so ... Expand

    Semantic filters: response rate retail outlet

    Topics: privacy Second Life consumer behavior electronic commerce virtual reality

    Methods: survey factor analysis data transformation ANOVA parametric test

  • Determinants of Point-of-Sale System Adoption: A Survey among Small Retailers in The Netherlands

    2011 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Plomp, Marijn G A; Huiden, Roel P; Batenburg, Ronald

    Abstract: Several threats affect the survival of small, independent retail companies. Adop ... Expand

    Semantic filters: response rate retail outlet

    Topics: point of sale system technology adoption innovation management decision making computer hardware

    Methods: survey conceptual modelling statistical hypothesis test literature study Student's t-test

    Theories: technology acceptance theory