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Found 3540 articles
  • Remote Workers’ Privacy Concerns, Psychological Climate for Face Time, and Organizational Affective Commitment

    2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: Afota, Marie-Colombe; Cañibano, Almudena; Ollier-Malaterre, Ariane; Provost Savard, Yanick; Léon, Emmanuelle

    Abstract: During the Covid-19 pandemic, the shift to high-intensity remote work—three days ... Expand

    Semantic filters: response rate

    Topics: information privacy concern organizational commitment remote work IT supported collaboration privacy

    Methods: statistical hypothesis test chi squared test longitudinal research SEM tool structural equation modeling

    Theories: social information processing theory

  • Differential Impact of Content in Online Communication on Heterogeneous Candidates: A Field Study in Technical Recruitment


    2023 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 0

    Authors: Aggarwal, Rohit; Lee, Michael J.; Midha, Vishal

    Abstract: Recruitment is a critical activity for companies, and the research community has ... Expand

    Semantic filters: response rate

    Topics: social media electronic mail IS economics economic surplus IT workforce

    Methods: experimental group survey field study factor analysis descriptive statistic

    Theories: motivation theory

  • Knowledge Management Systems and Artificial Intelligence Adoption for Increasing Business Sustainability

    2023 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Al Halbusi, Hussam; Hassani, Abdeslam; Mosconi, Elaine; Bayiz, Ahmad

    Abstract: Sustainable business success is essential for achieving performance in a market ... Expand

    Semantic filters: response rate

    Topics: artificial intelligence knowledge management system information technology infrastructure computer supported cooperative work technology adoption

    Methods: survey partial least squares path modeling structural equation modeling partial least squares regression statistical hypothesis test

  • ICT-Based Country-Level Determinants of Social Media Diffusion


    2023 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0

    Authors: Arayankalam, Jithesh; Krishnan, Satish

    Abstract: There is a broad consensus that social media platforms have become critical tool ... Expand

    Semantic filters: response rate

    Topics: social media IT investment internet technology IT skill technology diffusion

    Methods: longitudinal research regression analysis method post-hoc analysis cross sectional research archival research

    Theories: theory of everything

  • Equity Crowdfunding and Access to Capital for User Entrepreneurs: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment

    2023 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0

    Authors: Bapna, Sofia; Ganco, Martin

    Abstract: We examine whether equity crowdfunding democratizes access to funding for nontr ... Expand

    Semantic filters: response rate

    Topics: electronic mail crowdfunding crowdsourcing logistics management entrepreneurship

    Methods: experiment survey expert panel regression analysis method field experiment

  • A Signal Detection Theory Approach for Predicting Immunity to Pandemic Vaccine Fake News

    2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: Barajas, J.; John, R.

    Abstract: Managing a contagious disease pandemic, such as , requires that the public unde ... Expand

    Semantic filters: response rate

    Topics: misinformation fake news pandemic social media covid 19

    Methods: machine learning survey multiple linear regression survey design regression analysis method

    Theories: signal detection theory

  • The impact of enterprise architecture management on information systems architecture complexity


    2023 | European Journal of Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Beese, Jannis; Aier, Stephan; Haki, Kazem; Winter, Robert

    Abstract: Significant investments in information systems (IS) over the past decades have l ... Expand

    Semantic filters: response rate

    Topics: enterprise architecture IT manager IT development project missing data organization structure

    Methods: survey focus group survey design structural equation modeling partial least squares path modeling

  • Whistleblowing and Group Affiliation: The Role of Group Cohesion and the Locus of the Wrongdoer in Reporting Decisions


    2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 0

    Authors: Bergemann, Patrick; Aven, Brandy

    Abstract: Conventional accounts describe whistleblowing as prosocial behavior, where whist ... Expand

    Semantic filters: response rate

    Topics: anonymity missing data electronic mail

    Methods: survey experiment hierarchical linear modeling mixed method theory development

  • Shaping the Future of Safety and Mobility Experience: A Design Theory for Augmented Automotive Spaces

    2023 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Böhmer, Martin; Mahn, Victor-Alexander; Kuehnel, Stephan; Damarowsky, Johannes

    Abstract: The rise in distraction-related traffic accidents necessitates in-car infotainm ... Expand

    Semantic filters: response rate

    Topics: usability extended reality user interface productivity user satisfaction

    Methods: design theory design requirement design science survey design artifact

    Theories: unified theory of acceptance and use of technology

  • Fighting for the status quo: Threat to tech self-esteem and opposition to competing smartphones


    2023 | Information & Management | Citations: 0

    Authors: Cano Bejar, Arturo Heyner; Ray, Soumya; Huang, Yu Hsuan

    Abstract: Users of rival technology platforms, such as Android-versus-iOS, often harbor ho ... Expand

    Semantic filters: response rate

    Topics: smartphone switching cost self efficacy Android iOS

    Methods: survey partial least squares path modeling structural equation modeling cross sectional research statistical hypothesis test

    Theories: reactance theory