From Digital Business Strategy to Market Performance: Insights into Key Concepts and Processes
2017 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 9
Authors: Leischnig, Alexander; Wölfl, Steffen; Ivens, Björn S.; Hein, Daniel
Abstract: A digital business strategy has become a management priority for firms in severa ...
Abstract: A digital business strategy has become a management priority for firms in several industries. Many firms pursue a digital business strategy to establish a guiding framework for value creation and capture with digital resources. This study develops and tests a research model on how a firm’s digital business strategy transforms into market performance, considering the intervening roles of market intelligence capability and subsequent value creation and value capture. The results of a study with 161 firms from different industries lend support for the proposed effects. These findings add to the current IS and strategic management literature by further illuminating the causal process linking digital business strategy and market performance and by indicating firms’ market intelligence capability as a key component of this process. The findings guide managers by specifying critical mechanisms in the digital business strategymarket performance relationship and by developing an instrument to monitor firms’ market intelligence capability.
Semantic filters:
quantitative analysis tool
marketing intelligence digital business strategy price management value creation data integration
survey field study structural equation modeling data transformation confirmatory factor analysis
dynamic capabilities theory
Toward Generalizable Sociomaterial Inquiry: A Computational Approach for Zooming in and Out of Sociomaterial Routines
2014 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 97
Abstract: In this paper, a computational, mixed methods approach that combines qualitative ...
Abstract: In this paper, a computational, mixed methods approach that combines qualitative analysis with a novel approach to sequence analysis for studying the entanglement of human activities and digital capabilities in organizational routines is described. The approach is scalable across multiple contexts and complements the dominant idiographic modes of sociomaterial inquiry. The approach is rooted in the epistemology of a “rational reconstruction” consistent with the interpretive stance underlying the sociomaterial position. It arms researchers with the means to seek and uncover regularities in the ways human activities and digital capabilities become entangled across contexts by enabling the identification and articulation of generalizable patterns of sociomaterial activity. The computational approach is founded on sequence-analytic techniques that originated from the field of computational biology (genetics), but are now gaining popularity in the study of temporally ordered social phenomena such as organizational routines. These techniques are extended by drawing upon theoretical insights gained within sociomaterial scholarship on how the digital and the social become entangled. By detecting the variation in activities, actors, artifacts, and affordances that comprise what we denote a sociomaterial routine, the approach directly attends to ways in which human actors and the material features of technology become entangled in patterns of practice. Beyond motivating and describing the approach, the different insights that researchers can generate through its application in the study of the digitalization of organizational routines are illustrated. We conclude by suggesting several lines of inquiry that can enrich sociomaterial research.
Semantic filters:
quantitative analysis tool
affordance usability spreadsheet information system use open source
mixed method theory development design science design artifact metamodel
sociomaterialism theory theory of affordance