2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Juric, Radmila; Almami, Eiman; Almami, Btesam; Ahmed, Zaki
Abstract: This paper proposes a computational model based on the first order logic reasoni ... Expand
Semantic filters: predicate logic
Topics: predicate logic Java online learning system artificial intelligence systems development
Methods: ontological modelling natural language processing design artifact computational algorithm literature study
2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Juric, Radmila; Ronchieri, Elisabetta; Suh, Sang
Abstract: This research proposes semantic mediation based on reasoning and the first order ... Expand
Semantic filters: predicate logic
Topics: cloud computing mobile system internet of things edge computing artificial intelligence
Methods: ontological modelling computational algorithm literature study literature sample
2020 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Elnagar, Samaa; Yoon, Victoria; Thomas, Manoj A
Abstract: Ontologies have been known for their powerful semantic representation of knowled ... Expand
Semantic filters: predicate logic
Topics: knowledge representation web page predicate logic knowledge graph social media
Methods: ontological modelling computational algorithm domain ontology DOLCE ontology WordNet
2017 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 4
Authors: Chatterjee, Sromona; Hildebrandt, Björn; Kolbe, Lutz M.
Abstract: Modern societies are clearly en route towards digitalization. Natural scene imag ... Expand
Semantic filters: predicate logic
Topics: predicate logic global navigation satellite system system integration Python open source
Methods: AdaBoost k-nearest neighbor computational algorithm support vector machine machine learning
2016 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 2
Authors: Hashmi, Mustafa; Governatori, Guido; Wynn, Moe Thandar
Abstract: By definition, regulatory rules (in legal context called norms) intend to achiev ... Expand
Semantic filters: predicate logic
Topics: business process management evaluation criteria communication service infrastructure declarative language top management support
Methods: business process modeling modeling language computational algorithm Petri net business process model and notation
2015 | ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Ciccio, Claudio Di; Mecella, Massimo
Abstract: Artful processes are those processes in which the experience, intuition, and kno ... Expand
Semantic filters: predicate logic
Topics: electronic mail Java knowledge base open source operating system
Methods: computational algorithm business process modeling event log case study experiment
2015 | Organization Science | Citations: 0
Authors: Le Mens, Gaël; Hannan, Michael T.; Pólos, László
Abstract: Various patterns of age dependence in hazards of organizational failure have bee ... Expand
Semantic filters: predicate logic
Topics: organizational productivity innovation management organization learning predicate logic
Methods: theory development literature study
2015 | DESRIST | Citations: 0
Authors: Mustaquim, Moyen Mohammad; Nyström, Tobias
Abstract: The interdisciplinary nature of human-computer interaction (HCI) makes it possib ... Expand
Semantic filters: predicate logic
Topics: human computer interaction usability systems design predicate logic problem solving
Methods: design process reference modelling cross sectional research design science
2014 | Business & Information Systems Engineering | Citations: 0
Authors: Frank, Ulrich
Abstract: The paper presents a novel approach to conceptual modeling that serves to addre ... Expand
Semantic filters: predicate logic
Topics: enterprise modelling information technology infrastructure Java declarative language predicate logic
Methods: metamodel hierarchical linear modeling conceptual modelling design science design artifact
2013 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Clarke, Roger; Burton-Jones, Andrew; Weber, Ron
Abstract: A core activity in information systems development involves understanding the co ... Expand
Semantic filters: predicate logic
Topics: knowledge representation predicate logic automated reasoning
Methods: conceptual modelling ontological modelling entity relationship modeling design science survey
Theories: theory of everything theory of ontological expressiveness