2023 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Ampel, Benjamin; Gao, Yang; Hu, James; Samtani, Sagar; Chen, Hsinchun
Abstract: Social engineering attacks are currently the most cited cybersecurity threat to ... Expand
Semantic filters: pre-trained language model
Topics: artificial intelligence electronic mail email phishing phishing IT security
Methods: word2vec random forest classification naïve bayes literature study pre-trained language model
2023 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: De Oliveira Silveira, Alysson; Ray, Arindam; Ebrahimi, Mohammadreza; Bhattacherjee, Anol
Abstract: Content analysis traditionally involves human coders manually combing through t ... Expand
Semantic filters: pre-trained language model
Topics: knowledge representation human in the loop human computer interaction innovation management organizational innovation
Methods: ontological modelling machine learning language model large language model qualitative content analysis
2023 | ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Du, Kelvin; Xing, Frank; Cambria, Erik
Abstract: Combining symbolic and subsymbolic methods has become a promising strategy as re ... Expand
Semantic filters: pre-trained language model
Topics: microblog domain-specific language Twitter social media knowledge graph
Methods: sentiment analysis RoBERTa transformer model BERT XLNet
2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Kauschinger, M.; Vieth, N.; Schreieck, M.; Krcmar, H.
Abstract: The elicitation of requirements is central for the development of successful so ... Expand
Semantic filters: pre-trained language model
Topics: enterprise information system requirements elicitation requirements analysis Fiverr cloud computing
Methods: machine learning supervised learning design science naïve bayes classification method
2023 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Kuang, Junwei; Xie, Jiaheng; Yan, Zhijun
Abstract: Depression is the most prevalent and serious mental illness, which induces grav ... Expand
Semantic filters: pre-trained language model
Topics: social media healthcare analytics
Methods: design artifact deep learning computational algorithm machine learning ablation analysis
2023 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Zhang, Dong; Li, Wenwen; Niu, Baozhuang; Wu, Chong
Abstract: Ensuring the credibility of online consumer reviews (OCRs) is a growing societal ... Expand
Semantic filters: pre-trained language model
Topics: fake review online review electronic commerce deception detection shapley additive explanation
Methods: machine learning digital trace data experiment parametric test deep learning
2022 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Au, Christian; Winkler, Till; Paul, Herbert
Abstract: Strategy tools are widely used to inform the complex and unstructured decision ... Expand
Semantic filters: pre-trained language model
Topics: information systems strategy application programming interface Google+ SWOT analysis usability
Methods: natural language processing design artifact design science design requirement BERT
2022 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Blümel, Jan; Zaki, Mohamed
Abstract: Recent advancements in natural language processing have been shown to be very ef ... Expand
Semantic filters: pre-trained language model
Topics: Wikipedia customer service database system Google+ application programming interface
Methods: natural language processing deep learning machine learning term frequency–inverse document frequency word2vec
2022 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Graf, Johannes; Lancho, Gino; Zschech, Patrick; Heinrich, Kai
Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic is accompanied by a massive "infodemic" that makes it har ... Expand
Semantic filters: pre-trained language model
Topics: knowledge base pandemic covid 19 database system Elasticsearch
Methods: design artifact design principle design science question answering design requirement
2022 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Hsieh, Hsin-Ting; Hristova, Diana
Abstract: Annual reports published by companies contain important insights regarding their ... Expand
Semantic filters: pre-trained language model
Topics: organizational productivity data breach cloud computing Python explainable artificial intelligence
Methods: sentiment analysis topic model machine learning BERT decision tree classification