2023 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0
Authors: Joubert, Anke; Murawski, Matthias; Bick, Markus
Abstract: The use of big data promises to drive economic growth and development and can th ... Expand
Semantic filters: power outage
Topics: big data missing data open data research and development telephone
Methods: design science cluster analysis hierarchical clustering literature study design process
2022 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Knierim, Michael; Zimny, Christian; Seitz, Julia
Abstract: Real-world cognitive load monitoring promises to be an essential foundation for ... Expand
Semantic filters: power outage
Topics: knowledge work open source IS discipline usability computer hardware
Methods: experiment electroencephalography survey self reported survey parametric test
Theories: flow theory
2022 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0
Authors: Nguyen, Thai Ha; Waizenegger, Lena; Techatassanasoontorn, Angsana A.
Abstract: Interactions with conversational agents (CAs) become increasingly common in our ... Expand
Semantic filters: power outage
Topics: social presence customer service problem solving customer satisfaction conversational agent
Methods: chatbot theory development qualitative content analysis qualitative coding experiment
2021 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 1
Authors: Zobel, Christopher W.; MacKenzie, Cameron A.; Baghersad, Milad; Li, Yuhong
Abstract: Due to the increasing occurrence of disruptions across our global society, it ha ... Expand
Semantic filters: power outage
Topics: business continuity planning hurricane decision making systems design IT productivity
Methods: simulation descriptive statistic trade-off analysis method multiple criteria decision making
2020 | HICSS | Citations: 2
Authors: Fan, Chao; Farahmend, Hamed; Mostafavi, Ali
Abstract: The objective of this study is to propose and test a theoretical framework which ... Expand
Semantic filters: power outage
Topics: Twitter hurricane social media power outage societal evaluation criteria
Methods: sentiment analysis theory development case study survey term frequency–inverse document frequency
Theories: social network theory
2019 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Albina, Adam
Abstract: An increase in organizational emergencies warrants investigation into emergency ... Expand
Semantic filters: power outage
Topics: emergency management decision making geographic information system situational awareness missing data
Methods: parametric test Student's t-test simulation experiment F-test
2019 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Grace, Rob; Halse, Shane; Aurite, William; Tapia, Andrea
Abstract: Opportunities to collect real-time social media data during a crisis remain limi ... Expand
Semantic filters: power outage
Topics: Twitter social media situational awareness geographic information system social network
Methods: qualitative coding parametric test one-way ANOVA qualitative content analysis constant comparative analysis
2018 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 9
Authors: Avvenuti, Marco; Cresci, Stefano; Del Vigna, Fabio; Fagni, Tiziano; Tesconi, Maurizio
Abstract: Natural disasters, as well as human-made disasters, can have a deep impact on wi ... Expand
Semantic filters: power outage
Topics: Twitter earthquake Wikipedia natural hazard big data
Methods: natural language processing word embedding case study support vector machine experiment
2017 | ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Bauman, Konstantin; Tuzhilin, Alexander; Zaczynski, Ryan
Abstract: This article presents a novel approach to detecting emergency events, such as po ... Expand
Semantic filters: power outage
Topics: Twitter power outage database system earthquake social media
Methods: machine learning random forest classification logistic regression naïve bayes topic model
2017 | ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Bhattacharjee, Sudip; Jacob, Varghese; Jiang, Zhengrui (Jeffrey); Kumar, Subodha
Abstract: ... Expand
Semantic filters: power outage
Topics: Twitter power outage microblog task productivity decision making
Methods: design principle computational algorithm machine learning method experiment