2019 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Tuunanen, Tuure; Lintula, Juuli; Auvinen, Annemari
Abstract: Value co-creation through involving users in service processes via resource inte ... Expand
Semantic filters: personal construct theory
Topics: participatory design business-to-business information system use cyber-physical system service-support information system
Methods: design methodology qualitative interview personal interview case study cluster analysis
Theories: personal construct theory
2018 | European Journal of Information Systems | Citations: 19
Authors: Tuunanen, Tuure; Peffers, Ken
Abstract: We use social science theories, design science research methodology, and our exp ... Expand
Semantic filters: personal construct theory
Topics: presentation software mobile system decision support system smartphone telephone
Methods: qualitative interview cluster analysis survey design theory design artifact
Theories: diffusion of innovations theory information theory general systems theory social sciences theory personal construct theory
2017 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Yao, Xinlin; Li, Xixi; Zhang, Cheng; Ling, Hong
Abstract: Driven by the ubiquitous ICTs, mobile/virtual working came into prevalence and e ... Expand
Semantic filters: personal construct theory
Topics: virtual teamwork team productivity co-located work video game task productivity
Methods: experiment laboratory experiment survey statistical hypothesis test survey design
Theories: personal construct theory complexity theory
2016 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Schmidt, Nikolaus; Menth, Laura
Abstract: Although information technology outsourcing (ITO) is a major part of an organiza ... Expand
Semantic filters: personal construct theory
Topics: outsourcing IT manager organizational culture IS management Chief Information Officer
Methods: qualitative interview repertory grid technique theory development case study cross sectional research
Theories: personal construct theory social exchange theory
2015 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Schmidt, Nikolaus; Rosenkranz, Christoph
Abstract: The outsourcing of information technology (IT) to external vendors promises lowe ... Expand
Semantic filters: personal construct theory
Topics: interorganizational relationship outsourcing system integration
Methods: qualitative interview literature study theory development repertory grid technique data transformation
Theories: social exchange theory personal construct theory
2015 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Simpson, Jason R
Abstract: As our society continues to become increasingly connected through technologies, ... Expand
Semantic filters: personal construct theory
Topics: Linux operating system systems design
Methods: qualitative interview
Theories: personal construct theory
2015 | European Journal of Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Tuunanen, Tuure; Kuo, I.-Te
Abstract: This paper examines how culture affects requirements and their prioritization. W ... Expand
Semantic filters: personal construct theory
Topics: mobile system user requirement system development method mobile application national culture
Methods: qualitative interview qualitative coding personal interview qualitative content analysis descriptive statistic
Theories: personal construct theory
2015 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 5
Authors: Almusharraf, Ahlam; Dhillon, Gurpreet; Samonas, Spyridon
Abstract: Professional and academic literature indicates that organizational stakeholders ... Expand
Semantic filters: personal construct theory
Topics: security policy data protection computer hardware physical security IT governance
Methods: repertory grid technique data transformation principal component analysis hierarchical clustering qualitative interview
Theories: personal construct theory
2014 | Business & Information Systems Engineering | Citations: 0
Authors: Bruns, Katherina; Jacob, Frank
Abstract: With the increasing number of usage-based offerings, such as smartphone apps, c ... Expand
Semantic filters: personal construct theory
Topics: smartphone evaluation criteria marketing management social network productivity
Methods: survey repertory grid technique qualitative interview data transformation confirmatory factor analysis
Theories: personal construct theory service-dominant logic
2014 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Simpson, Jason
Abstract: Evaluations of theoretical contributions in IS tend to be partial in that the d ... Expand
Semantic filters: personal construct theory
Topics: decision making accounting technology adoption IS problem
Methods: theory development theoretical contribution design artifact experiment
Theories: personal construct theory terror management theory information systems theory technology acceptance model