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Found 10 articles
  • Between Hype, Hope, and Reality: A Lifecycle-Driven Perspective on Non-Fungible Token

    2023 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Kölbel, Tobias; Joussen, Katrin; Weinhardt, Christof

    Abstract: Advocates consider NFTs a potentially disruptive blockchain-enabled innovation. ... Expand

    Semantic filters: technological change perceived usefulness

    Topics: database system blockchain non-fungible token social network virtual reality

    Methods: qualitative interview literature study theory development mixed method personal interview

  • When Constructs Become Obsolete: A Systematic Approach to Evaluating and Updating Constructs for Information Systems Research

    2022 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 10

    Authors: Compeau, Deborah; Correia, John; Thatcher, Jason

    Abstract: In this paper, we confront a paradox in the IS literature that even though our f ... Expand

    Semantic filters: technological change perceived usefulness

    Topics: self efficacy information system use anonymity information privacy concern technological change

    Methods: survey case study survey design theory development descriptive statistic

    Theories: identity theory measurement theory social cognitive theory

  • Human-Machine Interaction and Human Resource Management Perspective for Collaborative Robotics Implementation and Adoption

    2020 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: Libert, Krystel; Cadieux, Nathalie; Mosconi, Elaine

    Abstract: The shift towards human-robot collaboration (HRC) has the potential to increase ... Expand

    Semantic filters: technological change perceived usefulness

    Topics: robotic database system usability human resource management ergonomics

    Methods: literature sample synthesis case study literature study structured literature research

    Theories: technology acceptance model technology acceptance theory

  • Robot acceptance model for care (RAM-care): A principled approach to the intention to use care robots


    2020 | Information & Management | Citations: 0

    Authors: Turja, Tuuli; Aaltonen, Iina; Taipale, Sakari; Oksanen, Atte

    Abstract: Robots are emerging in welfare services, and organizations require information o ... Expand

    Semantic filters: technological change perceived usefulness

    Topics: robotic usage intention social influence ease of use perceived usefulness

    Methods: structural equation modeling survey descriptive statistic survey design chi squared test

    Theories: technology acceptance theory

  • Information Systems in Transition Economies: Does Ownership Matter?


    2017 | Information Systems Management | Citations: 0

    Authors: Keszey, Tamara

    Abstract: This research investigates the moderating roles of firm ownership in managerial ... Expand

    Semantic filters: technological change perceived usefulness

    Topics: perceived usefulness information systems usefulness organizational commitment marketing management information system use

    Methods: survey SEM tool structural equation modeling descriptive statistic literature study

  • Examining multi-dimensional trust and multi-faceted risk in initial acceptance of emerging technologies: An empirical study of mobile banking services


    2010 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Luo, Xin; Li, Han; Zhang, Jie; Shim, J. P.

    Abstract: The factors affecting rejection or acceptance of an emerging IT artifact such as ... Expand

    Semantic filters: technological change perceived usefulness

    Topics: behavioral intention technology adoption self efficacy privacy internet technology

    Methods: design artifact partial least squares regression structural equation modeling data transformation statistical hypothesis test

  • Opening the black box: A multi-method analysis of an enterprise resource planning implementation


    2009 | Journal of Information Technology | Citations: 0

    Authors: Shepherd, Craig; Clegg, Chris; Stride, Chris

    Abstract: This paper presents a multi-method analysis of the implementation of an enterpri ... Expand

    Semantic filters: technological change perceived usefulness

    Topics: enterprise resource planning enterprise resource planning implementation participatory design perceived ease of use change management

    Methods: qualitative content analysis focus group qualitative interview survey mixed method

    Theories: technology acceptance model theory of reasoned action

  • Distributed Reflection of Capabilities as an Aspect of Innovation

    2007 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Kristoffersen, S

    Abstract: Innovation is poorly understood. Generally, it is presented as a rational proces ... Expand

    Semantic filters: technological change perceived usefulness

    Topics: innovation management user acceptance perceived usefulness information system use perceived ease of use

    Methods: qualitative interview ethnography experiment field study personal interview

    Theories: innovation theory technology acceptance model diffusion of innovations theory

  • The influence of software developers’ creative style on their attitudes to and assimilation of a software process innovation


    2003 | Information & Management | Citations: 0

    Authors: Gallivan, Michael J.

    Abstract: This study examines outcomes associated with differences in software developers’ ... Expand

    Semantic filters: technological change perceived usefulness

    Topics: task productivity innovation management job satisfaction software developer digital innovation

    Methods: survey regression analysis method data transformation descriptive statistic field study

    Theories: innovation theory creativity theory

  • Individual Characteristics Associated with World Wide Web Use: An Empirical Study of Playfulness and Motivation


    1997 | ACM SIGMIS Database | Citations: 0

    Authors: Atkinson, MaryAnne; Kydd, Christine

    Abstract: This study examines the influence of the individual characteristic of playfulnes ... Expand

    Semantic filters: technological change perceived usefulness

    Topics: intrinsic motivation personal computer ease of use technological change world wide web

    Methods: survey simple linear regression survey design survival analysis