2023 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Agrawal, Lavlin; Sharman, Raj; Tiu, Christian; Joenväärä, Juha
Abstract: In the aftermath of natural disasters, borrowers seeking credit from traditiona ... Expand
Semantic filters: peer-to-peer model
Topics: crowdsourcing natural hazard peer-to-peer lending peer-to-peer model LendingClub
Methods: instrumental variables estimation experimental group sensitivity analysis ordinary least square robustness check
2023 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Bartikowski, Boris; Laroche, Michel; Kizgin, Hatice
Abstract: Introduction to the special issueInformation Communication Technology (ICT): Pe ... Expand
Semantic filters: peer-to-peer model
Topics: social media marketing social media Instagram IS management marketing management
Methods: mixed method personal interview cross sectional research
2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Beck, Roman; Jain, Geetika
Abstract: In this research, we examine the interplay between ‘actors’ and ‘agents’ in Dist ... Expand
Semantic filters: peer-to-peer model
Topics: blockchain IT governance distributed ledger technology peer-to-peer model information technology infrastructure
Methods: theory development design artifact structured literature research literature sample system dynamics
Theories: structuration theory
2023 | Electronic Markets | Citations: 0
Authors: Bruckner, Moritz T.; Steininger, Dennis M.; Thatcher, Jason Bennett; Veit, Daniel J.
Abstract: Many firms use social media (SM) to solicit online investments. In this study, w ... Expand
Semantic filters: peer-to-peer model
Topics: internet technology crowdfunding crowdsourcing Facebook blockchain
Methods: experimental group parametric test repeated measures ANOVA experimental design cross sectional research
Theories: signaling theory
2023 | Information & Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Buzzacchi, Luigi; Milone, Francesco Luigi; Paolucci, Emilio; Raguseo, Elisabetta
Abstract: We investigate the way service providers who operate on an online peer-to-peer ( ... Expand
Semantic filters: peer-to-peer model
Topics: pandemic Airbnb marketing management price management peer-to-peer model
Methods: econometric modeling descriptive statistic instrumental variables estimation robustness check longitudinal research
2023 | Journal of Strategic Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Chan, Yolande E.
Abstract: EditorialWelcome to the second issue of Volume 32 of the Journal of Strategic I ... Expand
Semantic filters: peer-to-peer model
Topics: virtual reality IS discipline societal evaluation criteria information system use peer-to-peer model
Methods: literature sample statistical hypothesis test multiple case study
Theories: co-evolution theory socio technical theory
2023 | Electronic Markets | Citations: 0
Authors: Ciriello, Raffaele Fabio; Torbensen, Alexandra Cecilie Gjøl; Hansen, Magnus Rotvit Perlt; Müller-Bloch, Christoph
Abstract: Initially designed to protect intellectual property (IP) of digitalized informat ... Expand
Semantic filters: peer-to-peer model
Topics: blockchain stablecoin smart contract distributed ledger technology cryptocurrency
Methods: design principle design requirement qualitative interview design artifact design science
Theories: transaction cost economics socio technical theory
2023 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0
Authors: Dewan, Sanjeev; Kim, Jooho; Nian, Tingting
Abstract: We contribute to the emerging literature on quality certification by digital pl ... Expand
Semantic filters: peer-to-peer model
Topics: Airbnb website sharing platform peer-to-peer model Google+
Methods: experimental group experiment propensity score method product review robustness check
2023 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Dubey, Rameshwar; Gupta, Manjul; Mikalef, Patrick; Akter, Shahriar
Abstract: In this Editorial Note for the special issue on "Incorporating Blockchain Techno ... Expand
Semantic filters: peer-to-peer model
Topics: blockchain innovation management customer loyalty digital innovation peer-to-peer model
Methods: literature sample design science case study structured literature research theory development
2023 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Guo, Dezhen; Wang, Lizheng; li, yongjun
Abstract: The emergence of tokenization platforms based on blockchain technology has led ... Expand
Semantic filters: peer-to-peer model
Topics: user behavior cryptocurrency social influence application programming interface blockchain
Methods: experimental group difference in differences longitudinal research statistical hypothesis test regression analysis method