2022 | Organization Science | Citations: 0
Authors: Jahanbakht, Mohammad; Mostafa, Romel; Veloso, Francisco
Abstract: We study the evolution of the African mobile telecommunications industry from it ... Expand
Semantic filters: Ethiopia p-value
Topics: business model entrepreneurship database system geographic information system knowledge base
Methods: literature study archival research qualitative interview chi squared test triangulation
2022 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Mekonnen, Tigist; Lessa, Lemma; Negash, Solomon
Abstract: The emergence of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) has guided organizations to ... Expand
Semantic filters: Ethiopia p-value
Topics: enterprise resource planning IS success system quality data quality IS implementation success
Methods: survey statistical hypothesis test partial least squares path modeling structural equation modeling partial least squares regression
2020 | Organization Science | Citations: 0
Authors: Boone, Christophe; Özcan, Serden
Abstract: Little is known about when and where hybrid organizations diffuse. We argue that ... Expand
Semantic filters: Ethiopia p-value
Topics: database system website digital media social identity
Methods: hazard function descriptive statistic robustness check regression analysis method likelihood-ratio test
Theories: institutional theory dominant logic
2020 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 17
Authors: Langer, Nishtha; Gopal, Ram D.; Bapna, Ravi
Abstract: The shaky ascent of women up the organizational ladder is a critical factor that ... Expand
Semantic filters: Ethiopia p-value
Topics: human resource management individual productivity IT career knowledge work IT workforce
Methods: archival research Bayesian analysis simulation descriptive statistic qualitative interview
2020 | DESRIST | Citations: 0
Authors: Senshaw, Debas; Twinomurinzi, Hossana
Abstract: This paper was aimed at developing a design artefact to identify opportunities f ... Expand
Semantic filters: Ethiopia p-value
Topics: mobile application government system innovation management behavioral intention social influence
Methods: design artifact structural equation modeling design principle action design research design science
Theories: unified theory of acceptance and use of technology dynamic capabilities theory information systems theory
2015 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Borena, Berhanu; Belanger, France; Tech, Virginia
Abstract: Today’s organizations rely on continuous information inflow. Not surprisingly, S ... Expand
Semantic filters: Ethiopia p-value
Topics: privacy personality national culture information privacy concern missing data
Methods: partial least squares regression survey design exploratory factor analysis data transformation scale validation
2011 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 128
Authors: Kwok-Kee Wei; Hock-Hai Teo; Hock Chuan Chan; Tan, Bernard C. Y.
Abstract: The digital divide has loomed as a public policy issue for over a decade. Yet, a ... Expand
Semantic filters: Ethiopia p-value
Topics: home computer digital divide information system use information technology capability online learning system
Methods: survey regression analysis method Chow test cross sectional research theoretical contribution
Theories: social cognitive theory