2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 1
Authors: Bernstein, Ethan S.; Shore, Jesse C.; Jang, Alice J.
Abstract: We study the connection between communication network structure and an organizat ... Expand
Semantic filters: decision making null hypothesis
Topics: social influence problem solving internet technology social network debugging
Methods: experiment machine learning simulation Poisson regression logistic regression
Theories: organizational theory
2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 0
Authors: Brauer, Matthias; Wiersema, Margarethe; Binder, Philipp
Abstract: Activist hedge funds represent the most potent form of financial activism. Yet w ... Expand
Semantic filters: decision making null hypothesis
Topics: corporate governance strategic management organizational productivity decision making database system
Methods: descriptive statistic qualitative content analysis theory development linguistic analysis regression analysis method
Theories: behavioral theory
2023 | Journal of Management Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Chen, Kun; Fan, Yifan; Liao, Shaoyi Stephen
Abstract: Crypto tokens, issued and managed via smart contracts, function as rewards in bl ... Expand
Semantic filters: decision making null hypothesis
Topics: blog blockchain digital platform cryptocurrency user behavior
Methods: longitudinal research instrumental variables estimation data transformation principal component analysis vector autoregression
Theories: motivation crowding theory
2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 0
Authors: Gorbatai, Andreea; Younkin, Peter; Burtch, Gordon
Abstract: To what extent are individual or organizational biases affected by racially sali ... Expand
Semantic filters: decision making null hypothesis
Topics: crowdfunding crowdsourcing website criminality application programming interface
Methods: experiment parametric test statistical hypothesis test survey facial recognition system
2023 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Hafiz, Faizal; Broekaert, Jan; La Torre, Davide; Swain, Akshya
Abstract: In a multi-objective setting, a portfolio manager’s highly consequential decisio ... Expand
Semantic filters: decision making null hypothesis
Topics: covid 19 pandemic decision support system decision making
Methods: computational algorithm artificial neural network data transformation machine learning principal component analysis
Theories: co-evolution theory
2023 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Huber, Maria; Ixmeier, Anne; Kranz, Johann
Abstract: Companies have increasingly adopted environmental management systems (EMSs) in ... Expand
Semantic filters: decision making null hypothesis
Topics: financial performance competitive advantage innovation management missing data communication service infrastructure
Methods: longitudinal research autocorrelation analysis robustness check descriptive statistic Wald test
Theories: resource based view of the firm
2023 | Group Decision and Negotiation | Citations: 0
Authors: Kumar, Deepak; Sengupta, Keya; Bhattacharya, Mousumi
Abstract: Mergers and acquisition deals are uncertain, with completion likelihood changing ... Expand
Semantic filters: decision making null hypothesis
Topics: logistics management decision making database system mergers and acquisition missing data
Methods: logistic regression random forest classification decision tree classification statistical hypothesis test machine learning
Theories: lemon market theory
2023 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0
Authors: Liu, Yinghao; Xu, Xin; Jin, Yong; Deng, Honglin
Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the urgent need for healthcare entities t ... Expand
Semantic filters: decision making null hypothesis
Topics: pandemic electronic health business continuity planning disaster recovery information system use
Methods: longitudinal research experimental group longitudinal survey augmented Dickey–Fuller test time series analysis
2023 | Group Decision and Negotiation | Citations: 0
Authors: Mahmoudi, Amin; Javed, Saad Ahmed
Abstract: In multiple criteria decision-making (MCDM) problems, ranking alternatives is us ... Expand
Semantic filters: decision making null hypothesis
Topics: decision making decision support system
Methods: descriptive statistic cross sectional research statistical hypothesis test trade-off analysis method Grey relational analysis
Theories: mathematical theory
2023 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 0
Authors: Oh, Hyelim; Goh, Khim-Yong; Phan, Tuan Q.
Abstract: Although social media has helped online newspapers by allowing users to organica ... Expand
Semantic filters: decision making null hypothesis
Topics: Twitter social media website personality Facebook
Methods: sentiment analysis CoreNLP natural language processing instrumental variables estimation econometric modeling