2021 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Garvey, Myles D
Abstract: An understudied area in the field of social media research is the design of deci ... Expand
Semantic filters: natural language generation
Topics: Twitter social media systems design application programming interface decision making
Methods: computational algorithm econometric modeling natural language processing descriptive statistic machine learning
2021 | European Journal of Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Li, Yan; Thomas, Manoj a; Liu, Dapeng
Abstract: Natural Language Processing (NLP) is now widely integrated into web and mobile a ... Expand
Semantic filters: natural language generation
Topics: database system knowledge representation social media analytics social media information retrieval
Methods: natural language processing qualitative content analysis literature study computational algorithm literature sample
2019 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Acharya, Sabita; Boyd, Andrew D; Cameron, Richard; Lopez, Karen Dunn; Martyn-Nemeth, Pamela; Dickens, Carolyn; Ardati, Amer; Eugenio, Barbara Di
Abstract: Most of the currently available health resources contain vast amount of informat ... Expand
Semantic filters: natural language generation
Topics: usability personalization
Methods: computational algorithm qualitative interview survey literature study natural language generation
2019 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: von Wolff, Raphael Meyer; Hobert, Sebastian; Schumann, Matthias
Abstract: Chatbots become quite hyped in recent times as they can provide an intuitive and ... Expand
Semantic filters: natural language generation
Topics: knowledge base information storage and retrieval system enterprise information system accounting collaborative work
Methods: chatbot structured literature research literature study design principle design artifact
2017 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Utasch, Frederic; Loebbecke, Claudia
Abstract: There has been much discussion about how intelligent technologies shape journali ... Expand
Semantic filters: natural language generation
Topics: business model price management competitive advantage robotic advertising management
Methods: literature sample natural language generation literature study latent semantic indexing computational algorithm
2011 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Maass, Wolfgang; Kowatsch, Tobias; Janzen, Sabine; Varshney, Upkar
Abstract: Sales talks between customers and sales personnel are efficient and preferred me ... Expand
Semantic filters: natural language generation
Topics: decision support system mobile phone perceived ease of use usage intention usability
Methods: design science field study one sample t-test laboratory experiment experiment
Theories: diffusion of innovations theory
2011 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Monteserin, Ariel; Amandi, Analía
Abstract: When we negotiate, the arguments uttered to persuade the opponent are not the re ... Expand
Semantic filters: natural language generation
Topics: human computer interaction artificial intelligence usability decision making
Methods: computational algorithm experiment natural language generation
2005 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 11
Authors: Papamichail, K. N.; French, S.
Abstract: Intelligent Decision Support Systems (DSSs) use expert systems technology to enh ... Expand
Semantic filters: natural language generation
Topics: decision support system evaluation criteria expert system decision making knowledge base
Methods: survey experiment experimental group literature study descriptive statistic
1996 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Kumar, Deepak
Abstract: Most AI systems are effective either for inference or for acting/planning but no ... Expand
Semantic filters: natural language generation
Topics: artificial intelligence knowledge representation usability user interface knowledge acquisition
Methods: ontological modelling natural language generation design artifact
Theories: action theory speech act theory
1995 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 1
Authors: Slade, Stephen; Fish, Michael; Arunkundram, Ravi
Abstract: This paper discusses a research project in which an artificial intelligence deci ... Expand
Semantic filters: natural language generation
Topics: decision making artificial intelligence
Methods: simulation natural language generation machine learning design principle
Theories: decision theory