2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 0
Authors: Cao, Zhi; Posen, Hart E.
Abstract: Although pre-entry experience is widely regarded as a critical asset that positi ... Expand
Semantic filters: national culture
Topics: national culture organization learning entrepreneurship productivity research and development
Methods: descriptive statistic hazard function meta analysis literature sample chi squared test
2023 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Chi, Oscar Hengxuan; Chi, Christina G.; Gursoy, Dogan; Nunkoo, Robin
Abstract: This study addresses two critical research gaps in human-robot interaction (HRI) ... Expand
Semantic filters: national culture
Topics: robotic artificial intelligence social influence national culture behavioral intention
Methods: survey partial least squares path modeling structural equation modeling Student's t-test cross sectional research
Theories: cultural dimensions theory
2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 0
Authors: Di Stefano, Giada; Micheli, Maria Rita
Abstract: Prior work has maintained that organizations benefit from managing the transfer ... Expand
Semantic filters: national culture
Topics: knowledge sharing electronic mail pandemic knowledge spillover strategic management
Methods: experiment qualitative interview field study theory development laboratory experiment
Theories: organizational theory
2023 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Fernandes, Pedro; Pereira, Ruben; Wiedenhoft, Guilherme
Abstract: Nowadays, over 20% of organizations' worldwide capital expenditure goes toward ... Expand
Semantic filters: national culture
Topics: organizational culture missing data national culture anonymity
Methods: survey Kruskal Wallis test nonparametric test factor analysis data transformation
Theories: institutional theory
2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Fleischmann, C.; Seeber, I.; Cardon, P.; Aritz, J.
Abstract: Psychological safety, the feeling of being comfortable to express one's ideas o ... Expand
Semantic filters: national culture
Topics: cross cultural research virtual teamwork electronic mail Tencent QQ IS effectiveness
Methods: survey data transformation regression analysis method linear regression analysis exploratory factor analysis
2023 | Information & Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Gupta, Manjul; Dennehy, Denis; Parra, Carlos M.; Mäntymäki, Matti; Dwivedi, Yogesh K
Abstract: Fake news has led to a polarized society as evidenced by diametrically opposed p ... Expand
Semantic filters: national culture
Topics: fake news information system use national culture individual characteristic WhatsApp
Methods: longitudinal research within subject experiment survey pilot survey psychometrics
2023 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: John, Asher; Polites, Greta
Abstract: Information technology (IT) security research has investigated how users percei ... Expand
Semantic filters: national culture
Topics: self efficacy IT security cross cultural research information system use national culture
Methods: structural equation modeling descriptive statistic survey
Theories: protection motivation theory
2023 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Kim, Youngeui; Srite, Mark; Zhao, Huimin
Abstract: When reading an online review, consumers rely on implied trust-building factors ... Expand
Semantic filters: national culture
Topics: national culture online review Vine data quality information retrieval
Methods: robustness check topic model term frequency–inverse document frequency propensity score method natural language processing
2023 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Kendziorra, Jennifer; Witte, Anne-Katrin; Winkler, Till; Tong, Yu; Kwon, Juhee; Mishra, Abhay Nath
Abstract: Countries worldwide have employed various digital solutions to contain and cope ... Expand
Semantic filters: national culture
Topics: IS agility pandemic health information system information technology infrastructure healthcare data
Methods: case study conceptual modelling cross sectional research multiple case study natural experiment
2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 0
Authors: Kleinhempel, Johannes; Klasing, Mariko J.; Beugelsdijk, Sjoerd
Abstract: Does national culture influence entrepreneurship? Given that entrepreneurship an ... Expand
Semantic filters: national culture
Topics: entrepreneurship human resource management accounting national culture database system
Methods: hierarchical linear modeling survey robustness check descriptive statistic instrumental variables estimation
Theories: theory of economic development