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Found 115 articles
  • Significance of Visual Realism – Eeriness, Credibility, and Persuasiveness of Virtual Influencers

    2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: Cornelius, Samia; Leidner, Dorothy; Bina, Saman

    Abstract: Though human-like design can increase favorable social behaviors like familiarit ... Expand

    Semantic filters: multivariate analysis of covariance

    Topics: Instagram social media digital media logistics management word of mouth

    Methods: experiment Wald test parametric test logistic regression binomial logistic regression

    Theories: uncanny valley theory

  • The End of the World or Just a Turning Point? Effects of Negative and Positive Wording within Sustainability Campaigns on Social Media

    2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: Decker, H.; Feier, A.

    Abstract: The internet and social media are constantly evolving and providing innovations ... Expand

    Semantic filters: multivariate analysis of covariance

    Topics: behavioral intention social media advertising management social norm personality

    Methods: experimental group experiment moderation analysis linear regression analysis regression analysis method

    Theories: theory of planned behavior

  • Ethically Questionable Negotiation Strategies in South Asia: A Comparative Study of India and Pakistan


    2023 | Group Decision and Negotiation | Citations: 0

    Authors: Ma, Zhenzhong; Li, Kun; Guo, Guangrui; Pathak, Jagdish; Song, Young Ho

    Abstract: The past decades have seen increased integration of South Asia into the global e ... Expand

    Semantic filters: multivariate analysis of covariance

    Topics: personality team productivity cross cultural research strategic management organizational context

    Methods: regression analysis method data transformation self reported survey factor analysis survey

    Theories: theory of logic

  • What Disrupts Flow in Office Work? The Impact of Frequency and Relevance of IT-Mediated Interruptions

    2023 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0

    Authors: Nadj, Mario; Rissler, Raphael; Adam, Marc; Knierim, Michael; Li, Maximilian; Maedche, Alexander; Riedl, René

    Abstract: Flow, the holistic sensation people experience when they act with total involve ... Expand

    Semantic filters: multivariate analysis of covariance

    Topics: task productivity cognitive absorption Python technostress information system use

    Methods: electrocardiography NeuroIS multivariate analysis of variance experiment descriptive statistic

    Theories: flow theory

  • Human-AI Collaboration in Content Moderation: The Effects of Information Cues and Time Constraints

    2023 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Li, Haoyan; Chau, Michael

    Abstract: An extremely large amount of user-generated content is produced by users worldw ... Expand

    Semantic filters: multivariate analysis of covariance

    Topics: artificial intelligence decision making social media human computer interaction human AI collaboration

    Methods: experiment machine learning laboratory experiment experimental group experimental design

  • Repairing Integrity-Based Trust Violations in Ascription Disputes for Potential E-Commerce Customers

    2022 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0

    Authors: Deng, Honglin; Wang, Weiquan; Lim, Kai

    Abstract: Trust violations of online sellers are widely reported in customer reviews and a ... Expand

    Semantic filters: multivariate analysis of covariance

    Topics: electronic commerce sensemaking web page online review website

    Methods: experiment analysis of covariance laboratory experiment experimental task descriptive statistic

    Theories: attribution theory

  • Improving Phishing Reporting Using Security Gamification


    2022 | Journal of Management Information Systems | Citations: 2

    Authors: Jensen, Matthew L.; Wright, Ryan T.; Durcikova, Alexandra; Karumbaiah, Shamya

    Abstract: Phishing is an increasing threat that causes billions in losses and damage to pr ... Expand

    Semantic filters: multivariate analysis of covariance

    Topics: phishing gamification productivity self efficacy electronic mail

    Methods: experiment factorial experiment multivariate analysis of covariance survey design artifact

    Theories: cognitive evaluation theory

  • Approaching IT Security & Avoiding Threats in the Smart Home Context


    2022 | Journal of Management Information Systems | Citations: 1

    Authors: Nehme, Alaa; George, Joey F.

    Abstract: Not securing smart home devices has proven a threat to cyberspace. This has unde ... Expand

    Semantic filters: multivariate analysis of covariance

    Topics: smart home data security self efficacy mobile system data quality

    Methods: survey post-hoc analysis experiment robustness check chi squared test

    Theories: fear appeal theory appraisal theory protection motivation theory

  • Nudging Raters towards Feedback: Effects of Regulatory Focus and Idea Partitioning on Rater’s Attendance on and their Tendency to Follow Feedback Information in Idea Selection


    2022 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: Wibmer, Arnold

    Abstract: In idea selection, raters can attend and rely on information from multiple sourc ... Expand

    Semantic filters: multivariate analysis of covariance

    Topics: information storage and retrieval system innovation management decision making task complexity

    Methods: experiment survey multivariate analysis of covariance oculometry eye tracking tool

  • Attribution of Responsibility after Failures within Platform Ecosystems


    2021 | Journal of Management Information Systems | Citations: 2

    Authors: Dunn, Brian; Jensen, Matthew L.; Ralston, Ryan

    Abstract: As digital platform ecosystems grow in prominence, their interconnectedness and ... Expand

    Semantic filters: multivariate analysis of covariance

    Topics: mobile application digital ecosystem smartphone Oracle database digital platform

    Methods: experiment Bonferroni correction ANOVA parametric test multivariate analysis of covariance

    Theories: attribution theory