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Found 73 articles
  • How negative emotions spread on social media: the case of celebrity suicides

    2023 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Nouri, Ehsan; Saraf, Nilesh; Goh, Jie Mein; Dasgupta, Srabana; Cyr, Dianne

    Abstract: Social Media can spread messages, emotions, and behaviors among large audiences ... Expand

    Semantic filters: movie theatre

    Topics: Twitter social media user behavior Reddit social network

    Methods: BERT language model natural language processing transformer model econometric modeling

  • The Effectiveness of Highlighting Different Communication Orientations in Promoting Mobile Communication Technology at Work vs. at Home: Evidence from a Field Experiment


    2023 | Journal of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Phang, Chee Wei; Fang, Zheng; Liao, Chengcheng

    Abstract: With the development of mobile communication technologies, people can now engag ... Expand

    Semantic filters: movie theatre

    Topics: communication service infrastructure mobile system broadband cellular network technology adoption global navigation satellite system

    Methods: survey field experiment experiment statistical hypothesis test randomized field experiment

    Theories: regulatory focus theory work family border theory

  • Determining the optimal release time of movies: A study of movie and market characteristics


    2023 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Sharma, Megha; Basu, Sumanta; Chakraborty, Soumyakanti; Bose, Indranil

    Abstract: The over-the-top (OTT) industry has witnessed remarkable growth in recent years ... Expand

    Semantic filters: movie theatre

    Topics: digital service Netflix Disney+ decision support system Hulu

    Methods: parametric test mathematical model ANOVA paired t-test artificial neural network

  • Unifying Algorithmic and Theoretical Perspectives: Emotions in Online Reviews and Sales

    2023 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 2

    Authors: Yu, Yifan; Yang, Yang; Huang, Jinghua; Tan, Yong

    Abstract: Emotion artificial intelligence, the algorithm that recognizes and interprets v ... Expand

    Semantic filters: movie theatre

    Topics: online review Python user-generated content microblog marketing management

    Methods: computational algorithm word2vec parametric test product review experiment

    Theories: psychological theory

  • Online-to-Offline Platforms: Examining the Effects of Demand-Side Usage on Supply-Side Decisions


    2023 | Information & Management | Citations: 0

    Authors: Wan, Xing; Jha, Ashish Kumar; Kazantsev, Nikolai; Boh, Wai Fong

    Abstract: This study explores the impact of demand-side usage of digital platforms on oper ... Expand

    Semantic filters: movie theatre

    Topics: digital platform information system use decision making mobile application consumer behavior

    Methods: qualitative interview robustness check personal interview statistical hypothesis test data modeling

  • Return of the Movie Night? Analyzing the Impact of Netflix Subscriptions on Offline Movie Spending

    2022 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Fang, Sihan; Gopal, Anand; Kwon, Hyeokkoo Eric; Park, Yongjin

    Abstract: The subscription-based business model is disruptive in the copyright industries ... Expand

    Semantic filters: movie theatre

    Topics: digital service Netflix streaming service video streaming service mobile application

    Methods: experimental group robustness check longitudinal research difference in differences quasi experiment

  • The Fickle Crowd: Reinforcement and Contradiction of Quality Evaluations in Cultural Markets


    2022 | Organization Science | Citations: 0

    Authors: Kim, Minjae; DellaPosta, Daniel

    Abstract: We clarify conditions under which two seemingly contradictory yet widely observe ... Expand

    Semantic filters: movie theatre

    Topics: logistics management collaborative filtering accounting anonymity website

    Methods: computational algorithm descriptive statistic robustness check theory development hierarchical linear modeling

  • Product Meaning in Digital Product Innovation

    2022 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 11

    Authors: Wang, Gongtai; Henfridsson, Ola; Nandhakumar, Joe; Yoo, Youngjin

    Abstract: Digital product innovation involves a meaning-making process. Designers of digit ... Expand

    Semantic filters: movie theatre

    Topics: innovation management digital innovation digital product digital entertainment computer graphic

    Methods: qualitative interview design artifact literature study archival research field study

    Theories: cognitive theory theory of meaning

  • When Reinforcing Processes Generate an Outcome-Quality Dip


    2021 | Organization Science | Citations: 0

    Authors: Denrell, Jerker; Liu, Chengwei

    Abstract: When does market success indicate superior merit? We show that when consumer cho ... Expand

    Semantic filters: movie theatre

    Topics: resource allocation online review database system website social influence

    Methods: Internet Movie Database review simulation computational algorithm descriptive statistic product review

  • Investigating the Effects of Dimension-Specific Sentiments on Product Sales: The Perspective of Sentiment Preferences


    2021 | Journal of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Jiang, Cuiqing; Wang, Jianfei; TANG, Qian; Lyu, Xiaozhong

    Abstract: While the literature has reached a consensus on the awareness effect of online ... Expand

    Semantic filters: movie theatre

    Topics: online word of mouth word of mouth online review big data knowledge representation

    Methods: sentiment analysis product review robustness check natural language processing topic model

    Theories: attitude theory