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Found 699 articles
  • Women Mentoring Programs to Reduce the Gender Gap in IT Professions A Literature Review and Critical Reflection

    2023 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Aufschläger, Lisa Theresia; Kusanke, Kristina; Witte, Anne-Katrin; Kendziorra, Jennifer; Winkler, Till

    Abstract: Technical professions and industries remain heavily male-dominated. To countera ... Expand

    Semantic filters: meta analysis

    Topics: IT workforce database system

    Methods: literature study meta analysis

  • Microfoundations of Adaptive Search in Complex Tasks: The Role of Cognitive Abilities and Styles


    2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 1

    Authors: Bergenholtz, Carsten; Vuculescu, Oana; Amidi, Ali

    Abstract: Problem-solving in complex environments requires a cognitively demanding search ... Expand

    Semantic filters: meta analysis

    Topics: decision making logistics management problem solving anonymity competitive advantage

    Methods: laboratory experiment survey qualitative interview experimental task generalized linear model

    Theories: ambidexterity theory

  • Team Performance: Nature and Antecedents of Nonnormal Distributions


    2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 0

    Authors: Bradley, Kyle J.; Aguinis, Herman

    Abstract: Team research typically assumes that team performance is normally distributed: t ... Expand

    Semantic filters: meta analysis

    Topics: team productivity customer service anonymity systems development virtual teamwork

    Methods: meta analysis statistical hypothesis test Bayesian analysis descriptive statistic chi squared test

  • The state of eHealth research across information technologies: A longitudinal analysis using topic modeling to address future scholarship

    2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: Britt, R.; Chou, S.; Omah, O.; Chakraborty, A.

    Abstract: eHealth research has been marked by the last two decades of scholarship spurred ... Expand

    Semantic filters: meta analysis

    Topics: electronic health database system pandemic Python health information system

    Methods: topic model literature sample latent dirichlet allocation meta analysis synthesis

    Theories: technology acceptance model

  • The regulation of and through information technology: Towards a conceptual ontology for IS research


    2023 | Journal of Information Technology | Citations: 0

    Authors: Butler, Tom; Gozman, Daniel; Lyytinen, Kalle

    Abstract: This special issue addresses a largely neglected area of Information Systems (IS ... Expand

    Semantic filters: meta analysis

    Topics: digital platform information technology infrastructure knowledge representation big data innovation management

    Methods: design artifact ontological modelling qualitative content analysis theory development literature study

    Theories: institutional theory theory of affordance general systems theory

  • When Does the Pre-entry Experience of New Entrants Improve Their Performance? A Meta-Analytical Investigation of Critical Moderators


    2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 0

    Authors: Cao, Zhi; Posen, Hart E.

    Abstract: Although pre-entry experience is widely regarded as a critical asset that positi ... Expand

    Semantic filters: meta analysis

    Topics: national culture organization learning entrepreneurship productivity research and development

    Methods: descriptive statistic hazard function meta analysis literature sample chi squared test

  • Assessing Organizational Users’ Intentions and Behavior to AI Integrated CRM Systems: a Meta-UTAUT Approach


    2023 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0

    Authors: Chatterjee, Sheshadri; Rana, Nripendra P.; Khorana, Sangeeta; Mikalef, Patrick; Sharma, Anuj

    Abstract: This paper tests the meta-analysis based unified theory of acceptance and use of ... Expand

    Semantic filters: meta analysis

    Topics: artificial intelligence customer relationship management system behavioral intention usage intention social influence

    Methods: survey partial least squares path modeling partial least squares regression mediation analysis theoretical contribution

    Theories: unified theory of acceptance and use of technology

  • A Review and Meta-analysis of Mobile Government Adoption

    2023 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Chen, Ting; Sun, Ting; Duan, Yaoqing; Ahmad, Farhan

    Abstract: With the explosive growth of mobile phone users, individuals are getting used t ... Expand

    Semantic filters: meta analysis

    Topics: behavioral intention user acceptance social influence service quality technology adoption

    Methods: meta analysis correlation analysis survival analysis descriptive statistic literature sample

    Theories: theory of economic development technology acceptance model unified theory of acceptance and use of technology technology acceptance theory extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology

  • Trust and deception with high stakes: Evidence from the friend or foe dataset


    2023 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Chen, Xunyu; Wang, Xinran; Spitzley, Lee; Nunamaker, Jay

    Abstract: Many social interactions rely on the premise of mutual trust, but deception viol ... Expand

    Semantic filters: meta analysis

    Topics: decision support website YouTube Python decision making

    Methods: meta analysis support vector machine correlation analysis descriptive statistic random forest classification

  • The Crisis in Local Newspapers and Organizational Wrongdoing: The Role of Community Social Connectedness


    2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 0

    Authors: Choi, Tony Jaehyun; Valente, Mike

    Abstract: Drawing on institutional anomie theory, we examine how the crisis in local newsp ... Expand

    Semantic filters: meta analysis

    Topics: digital news missing data decision making social capital database system

    Methods: descriptive statistic statistical hypothesis test longitudinal research longitudinal data analysis hierarchical linear modeling

    Theories: organizational behavior theory