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Found 211 articles
  • How Practice Diffusion Drives IoT Technology Adoption and Institutionalization of Solutions in Service Ecosystems

    2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: Akaka, M.; Schau, H.; Vargo, S.

    Abstract: This paper proposes a framework for considering how practice diffusion drives t ... Expand

    Semantic filters: meso level

    Topics: internet of things innovation management technology adoption smart wearable device mobile system

  • Resource Integration in The Vehicle Ecosystem: A Literature Review

    2023 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Alotaibi, Awatif; Barros, Alistair; Degirmenci, Kenan

    Abstract: Integrating a mid-range theory and service-dominant (S-D) logic as a metaperspe ... Expand

    Semantic filters: meso level

    Topics: information privacy concern privacy database system online community participatory design

    Methods: structured literature research literature sample literature study design methodology co-citation analysis

    Theories: service-dominant logic privacy calculus theory


    2023 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Alotaibi, Awatif; Barros, Alistair; Degirmenci, Kenan

    Abstract: Electric vehicles (EVs) are considered a product rather than a mobility service ... Expand

    Semantic filters: meso level

    Topics: privacy information privacy concern participatory design environmental sustainability decision making

    Methods: survey archival research survey design design methodology partial least squares path modeling

    Theories: privacy calculus theory service-dominant logic

  • Theorizing Organizational Benevolence


    2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 0

    Authors: Beveridge, ‘Alim J.; Höllerer, Markus A.

    Abstract: We extend research on stakeholder orientation by introducing and conceptualizing ... Expand

    Semantic filters: meso level

    Methods: theory development business process modeling

    Theories: stakeholder theory organizational theory

  • Going Beyond Deterrence: A Middle-Range Theory of Motives and Controls for Insider Computer Abuse


    2023 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 0

    Authors: Burns, A. J.; Roberts, Tom L.; Posey, Clay; Lowry, Paul Benjamin; Fuller, Bryan

    Abstract: Despite widespread agreement among practitioners and academicians that organizat ... Expand

    Semantic filters: meso level

    Topics: IT security data security anonymity organizational control password

    Methods: theory development partial least squares path modeling factor analysis data transformation PLS tool

    Theories: control theory deterrence theory

  • The multiplexity of diagrams and prototypes in requirements development


    2023 | Information and Organization | Citations: 0

    Authors: Ciriello, Raffaele Fabio; Richter, Alexander; Schwabe, Gerhard; Mathiassen, Lars

    Abstract: Information systems development (ISD) requires dynamic and flexible ways of wor ... Expand

    Semantic filters: meso level

    Topics: banking sytem intranet software developer innovation management systems design

    Methods: design artifact qualitative interview case study qualitative coding field study

    Theories: boundary objects theory general systems theory


    2023 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Ebbesson, Esbjörn; Fors, Vaike

    Abstract: The design space of future mobility services is considered a wicked problem, as ... Expand

    Semantic filters: meso level

    Topics: participatory design legal context

    Methods: design methodology qualitative content analysis field study

    Theories: socio technical theory

  • A multivocal literature review of decentralized finance: Current knowledge and future research avenues


    2023 | Electronic Markets | Citations: 2

    Authors: Gramlich, Vincent; Guggenberger, Tobias; Principato, Marc; Schellinger, Benjamin; Urbach, Nils

    Abstract: While decentralized finance (DeFi) has the potential to emulate and, indeed, out ... Expand

    Semantic filters: meso level

    Topics: decentralized finance financial information system blockchain database system Ethereum

    Methods: literature study literature sample structured literature research synthesis

    Theories: organizational theory

  • A Mid-Range Theory for Designing Sustainable Safe Spaces of Immersive Learning Environments: A Design-Science Based Gamification Approach


    2023 | DESRIST | Citations: 0

    Authors: Haj-Bolouri, Amir; Katende, Jesse; Rossi, Matti

    Abstract: Gamification provides a prominent technique that can be used to provide Immersiv ... Expand

    Semantic filters: meso level

    Topics: gamification virtual reality communities of practice

    Methods: kernel theory design artifact design science qualitative interview design process

  • Social aspects in organisational cyber-security effectiveness - Of British coal mines, resilience and emergence

    2023 | International Conference on Business Informatics | Citations: 0

    Authors: Hofmann, Tom Fabian; Paula, Danielly de; Uebernickel, Falk

    Abstract: Cyber-security, which plays a key role in all areas of the digital world, from ... Expand

    Semantic filters: meso level

    Topics: IT security database system human centered design privacy

    Methods: qualitative interview conceptual modelling network analysis personal interview design methodology

    Theories: sociotechnical systems theory general systems theory complex adaptive system socio technical theory