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Found 6 articles
  • Spatial Location and Air Transport Connections: The Case of Minnesota’s Medical Device Industry Cluster


    2021 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: Munnich, Lee; Fried, Travis; Cho, Joanne; Horan, Thomas

    Abstract: Minnesota’s medical device industry cluster is not only one of the biggest drivi ... Expand

    Semantic filters: medical device industry

    Topics: supply chain management database system PostgreSQL

    Methods: spatial analysis

    Theories: theory of economic growth theory of economic development

  • The Dynamics of Learning and Competition in Schumpeterian Environments


    2019 | Organization Science | Citations: 5

    Authors: Giustiziero, Gianluigi; Kaul, Aseem; Wu, Brian

    Abstract: In this study, we examine the nature of Schumpeterian competition between entran ... Expand

    Semantic filters: medical device industry

    Topics: absorptive capacity innovation management entrepreneurship technological change knowledge spillover

    Methods: descriptive statistic robustness check regression analysis method cluster analysis hierarchical linear modeling

    Theories: evolutionary theory

  • Understanding the Benefits of Agile Software Development in Regulated Environments

    2019 | International Conference on Business Informatics | Citations: 0

    Authors: Karrenbauer, Jens; Wiesche, Manuel; Krcmar, Helmut

    Abstract: Agile software development has become increasingly popular in recent years. Appl ... Expand

    Semantic filters: medical device industry

    Topics: agile software development usability system development method systems development V model

    Methods: design methodology qualitative interview grounded theory qualitative coding personal interview

  • Noise as Signal in Learning from Rare Events


    2018 | Organization Science | Citations: 15

    Authors: Maslach, David; Branzei, Oana; Rerup, Claus; Zbaracki, Mark J.

    Abstract: Firms increasingly have access to information about the failure events of other ... Expand

    Semantic filters: medical device industry

    Topics: database system innovation management frequency of use

    Methods: qualitative interview mixed method robustness check autocorrelation analysis longitudinal research

  • How Do Product Users Influence Corporate Invention?


    2012 | Organization Science | Citations: 5

    Authors: Chatterji, Aaron K.; Fabrizio, Kira

    Abstract: The extensive academic literature on innovation has long recognized product user ... Expand

    Semantic filters: medical device industry

    Topics: innovation management organizational innovation research and development database system knowledge base

    Methods: theory development Compustat cross sectional research robustness check statistical hypothesis test

    Theories: evolutionary theory knowledge based theory of the firm theory of dominant design

  • The Effect of Going Public on Innovative Productivity and Exploratory Search


    2012 | Organization Science | Citations: 6

    Authors: Wu, Geraldine A.

    Abstract: This paper investigates whether and how going public affects firm innovation. I ... Expand

    Semantic filters: medical device industry

    Topics: innovation management productivity accounting organizational change research and development

    Methods: longitudinal research descriptive statistic cross sectional research regression analysis method theoretical contribution