2023 | Group Decision and Negotiation | Citations: 0
Authors: Mohammadi, Majid; Tamburri, Damian A.; Rezaei, Jafar
Abstract: Priorities in multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) convey the relevance prefere ... Expand
Semantic filters: median absolute deviation
Topics: decision making
Methods: descriptive statistic computational algorithm cluster analysis Wilcoxon signed-rank test nonparametric test
Theories: SERVQUAL
2021 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 1
Authors: Baesens, Bart; Höppner, Sebastiaan; Verdonck, Tim
Abstract: Financial institutions increasingly rely upon data-driven methods for developing ... Expand
Semantic filters: median absolute deviation
Topics: electronic authentication fraud detection electronic commerce online banking mobile application
Methods: machine learning descriptive statistic experiment feature engineering mathematical model
2019 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Asher, Derrik E; Caylor, Justine; Doyle, Casey; Neigel, Alexis R; Korniss, Gyorgy; Szymanski, Bolek K
Abstract: Passive consumption of a quantifiable amount of social media information related ... Expand
Semantic filters: median absolute deviation
Topics: social media crowdsourcing social influence
Methods: experiment parametric test ANOVA descriptive statistic goodness of fit statistical test
2019 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 26
Authors: Yue, Wei T.; Qiu-Hong Wang; Kai-Lung Hui
Abstract: Online hacker forums offer a prominent avenue for sharing hacking knowledge. Usi ... Expand
Semantic filters: median absolute deviation
Topics: denial of service attack internet technology computer virus Python open source
Methods: term frequency–inverse document frequency latent dirichlet allocation forums posting qualitative content analysis topic model
2019 | Business & Information Systems Engineering | Citations: 0
Authors: Zschech, Patrick; Heinrich, Kai; Bink, Raphael; Neufeld, Janis S.
Abstract: Condition-based maintenance (CBM) has emerged as a proactive strategy for deter ... Expand
Semantic filters: median absolute deviation
Topics: decision support decision making
Methods: cluster analysis hierarchical clustering computational algorithm descriptive statistic longitudinal research
2018 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Stieglitz, Stefan; Mirbabaie, Milad; Potthoff, Tobias
Abstract: In this study, we investigate the communication behaviour in Twitter during the ... Expand
Semantic filters: median absolute deviation
Topics: Twitter social media application programming interface user behavior customer service
Methods: sentiment analysis nonparametric test case study Kruskal Wallis test descriptive statistic
Theories: communication theory
2017 | Electronic Markets | Citations: 4
Authors: See-To, Eric. W. K.; Yang, Yang
Abstract: Behavioral economics has revealed that investor sentiment can profoundly affect ... Expand
Semantic filters: median absolute deviation
Topics: Twitter social media big data accounting user-generated content
Methods: naïve bayes sentiment analysis descriptive statistic F-test parametric test