2023 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Ghosh, Kaushik; Deokar, Amit; Sen, Sagnika
Abstract: Please cite this article as: Ghosh, K., Deokar, A. V., & Sen, S. (in press). Im ... Expand
Semantic filters: media synchronicity theory
Topics: self efficacy affordance communication service infrastructure healthcare data health information system
Methods: survey multiple regression statistical hypothesis test Levene's test descriptive statistic
Theories: media synchronicity theory
2023 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Gordetzki, Philipp; Blohm, Ivo; Hofstetter, Reto
Abstract: ... Expand
Semantic filters: media synchronicity theory
Topics: artificial intelligence innovation management generative AI human computer interaction human AI collaboration
Methods: experiment statistical hypothesis test experimental group survey experimental design
Theories: media synchronicity theory dual-coding theory
2023 | Journal of Information Technology | Citations: 0
Authors: Grover, Varun; Lyytinen, Kalle
Abstract: In this paper, we respond to Baiyere, Berente and Avital (2023) who misinterpret ... Expand
Semantic filters: media synchronicity theory
Topics: big data media richness communication service infrastructure reference discipline IS discipline
Methods: theory development conceptual analysis synthesis
Theories: media synchronicity theory media richness theory general systems theory socio technical theory transaction cost economics
2023 | Journal of Management Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Harrison, Andrew; Mirsadikov, Akmal; Luu, Truong
Abstract: Media capabilities influence consumers' trust in online exchanges. However, in t ... Expand
Semantic filters: media synchronicity theory
Topics: anonymity ride sharing platform sharing platform cryptocurrency systems design
Methods: descriptive statistic statistical hypothesis test conditional process analysis mediation analysis factor analysis
Theories: media synchronicity theory
2023 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Liu, Yuqian; Deng, Chaoqun
Abstract: To understand viewers' sense of community in the live streaming environment, th ... Expand
Semantic filters: media synchronicity theory
Topics: live streaming platform Twitch online community social media user behavior
Methods: experiment descriptive statistic qualitativ observational study theoretical contribution theory development
Theories: media synchronicity theory
2023 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 0
Authors: Vial, Gregory
Abstract: Software is instrumental to the accelerated pace of digital innovation, and our ... Expand
Semantic filters: media synchronicity theory
Topics: digital ecosystem packaged software digital platform systems development Java
Methods: theory development TensorFlow theoretical contribution
Theories: complex adaptive system co-evolution theory media synchronicity theory
2023 | Information & Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Yu, Tian; Chen, Yan; Luo, Xin (Robert)
Abstract: Prior research is limited in how live-streaming platforms (LSPs) enable technolo ... Expand
Semantic filters: media synchronicity theory
Topics: mindfulness affordance user experience usability anonymity
Methods: survey partial least squares regression literature study theoretical contribution PLS tool
Theories: theory of affordance information systems theory media synchronicity theory
2022 | ACM SIGMIS Database | Citations: 0
Authors: Chengalur-Smith, InduShobha; Nevo, Saggi; Fitzgerald, Brian
Abstract: Open source software (OSS) is increasingly being developed by hybrid teams that ... Expand
Semantic filters: media synchronicity theory
Topics: agile software development productivity communication service infrastructure systems development Scrum
Methods: survey design methodology data transformation robustness check descriptive statistic
Theories: media synchronicity theory
2022 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0
Authors: Jiang, Dan; Jiang, Lianlian (Dorothy); Jackie, Jackie; Grover, Varun; Sun, Heshan
Abstract: It has been argued that the theory borrowing practices in IS research have becom ... Expand
Semantic filters: media synchronicity theory
Topics: technology adoption innovation management online review problem solving sharing platform
Methods: theory development design artifact theoretical contribution
Theories: media synchronicity theory transaction cost economics economic theory
2022 | Information Systems Journal | Citations: 0
Authors: Randolph, Adriane B.; Petter, Stacie C.; Storey, Veda C.; Jackson, Melody M.
Abstract: Losing the ability to communicate inhibits social contact, creates feelings of f ... Expand
Semantic filters: media synchronicity theory
Topics: systems design knowledge representation communication service infrastructure
Methods: design requirement design principle design artifact design science ontological modelling
Theories: media synchronicity theory