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Found 1014 articles
  • Between Handholding and Hand-held Devices: Marketing Through Smartphone Innovation and Women’s Entrepreneurship in Post Conflict Economies in Times of Crisis


    2023 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 0

    Authors: Ameen, Nisreen; Madichie, Nnamdi O.; Anand, Amitabh

    Abstract: There is a wide gender gap in developing countries due to a range of cultural, e ... Expand

    Semantic filters: mathematical model

    Topics: smartphone mobile system mobile application entrepreneurship marketing management

    Methods: qualitative interview theoretical contribution personal interview synthesis mathematical model

    Theories: theory of economic development

  • Strategic Investments for Platform Launch and Ecosystem Growth: A Dynamic Analysis


    2023 | Journal of Management Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Anderson Jr., Edward G.; Parker, Geoffrey G.; Tan, Burcu

    Abstract: Multi-sided platforms must make decisions on both pricing and engineering invest ... Expand

    Semantic filters: mathematical model

    Topics: price management digital platform social media decision making business-to-business

    Methods: simulation sensitivity analysis system dynamics optimization model conjoint analysis

    Theories: control theory marketing theory

  • Multi-Device Consumption of Digital Goods: Optimal Product Line Design with Bundling


    2023 | Journal of Management Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Bhargava, Hemant K.

    Abstract: A contemporary business challenge for bundling theory is the distribution of dig ... Expand

    Semantic filters: mathematical model

    Topics: video game information good price management business model vertical differentiation

    Methods: mathematical model theoretical contribution

  • Selecting the Optimal Number of Crowd Workers for Forecasting Tasks

    2023 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Carvalho, Arthur; Karimi, Majid

    Abstract: Crowdsourcing platforms enable requesters to elicit information from thousands ... Expand

    Semantic filters: mathematical model

    Topics: crowdsourcing decision support system

    Methods: computational algorithm post analysis optimization model experiment mathematical model

  • Enabling Sustainable Logistics for Fresh Produce SMBEs: A Case Study Perspective on Local Retail Markets in Sydney

    2023 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Chaudhry, Maria; Karimi, Faezeh; Khalilpour, Kaveh

    Abstract: In the recent era of "Internet of things" (IoT), giant logistics enterprises ac ... Expand

    Semantic filters: mathematical model

    Topics: logistics management mobile system internet of things digital dashboard decision making

    Methods: case study machine learning conceptual modelling survey mathematical model

  • Social Group Buying as a Marketing Strategy

    2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: Chen, Huiyan; Peng, Jing; Guan, Mengcheng; Li, Jianbin

    Abstract: Social group buying (SGB) is a novel form of group buying that encourages custom ... Expand

    Semantic filters: mathematical model

    Topics: electronic commerce advertising management marketing management

    Methods: difference in differences mathematical model longitudinal research

  • Introduction to the Minitrack on Crowd-based Platforms

    2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: Chen, Pei-Yu; Huang, Nina; Gu, Bin

    Abstract: ... Expand

    Semantic filters: mathematical model

    Topics: crowdsourcing crowdfunding platform worker social media online labor market

    Methods: difference in differences natural language processing longitudinal research natural experiment machine learning

    Theories: signaling theory theory of affordance lemon market theory

  • The Cost of Free: The Effects of “Wait-for-Free” Pricing Schemes on the Monetization of Serialized Digital Content

    2023 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0

    Authors: Choi, Angela; Rhee, Ki-Eun; Yoon, Chamna; Oh, Wonseok

    Abstract: Leveraging a combination of analytical frameworks and empirical assessments, th ... Expand

    Semantic filters: mathematical model

    Topics: price management consumer behavior advertising management digital good customer satisfaction

    Methods: mathematical model robustness check econometric modeling proportional hazards model survival analysis

    Theories: behavioral economics

  • Product Recommendation and Consumer Search


    2023 | Journal of Management Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Choudhary, Vidyanand; Zhang, Zhe

    Abstract: We study an online environment where a firm provides strategic product recommend ... Expand

    Semantic filters: mathematical model

    Topics: consumer surplus IS economics website recommender system digital service

    Methods: mathematical model

    Theories: economic theory

  • The double-edged effects of data privacy practices on customer responses


    2023 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 0

    Authors: Chen, Shijiao (Joseph); Tran, Khai Trieu; Xia, Zhenhua (Raymond); Waseem, Donia; Zhang, Jing A.; Potdar, Balkrushna

    Abstract: Requesting personal information in frontline service encounters raises privacy c ... Expand

    Semantic filters: mathematical model

    Topics: privacy information privacy concern pandemic unintended consequence behavioral intention

    Methods: qualitative interview survey conceptual modelling statistical hypothesis test structural equation modeling