2023 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0
Authors: Neumann, Jürgen; Gutt, Dominik; Kundisch, Dennis
Abstract: Drawing on construal level theory, prior literature has found a positivity bias ... Expand
Semantic filters: linguistic category model
Topics: online review decision making user-generated content website media richness
Methods: product review theory development robustness check sentiment analysis descriptive statistic
Theories: linguistic category model construal level theory media richness theory
2020 | European Journal of Information Systems | Citations: 10
Authors: Benschop, Nick; Hilhorst, Cokky A. R.; Nuijten, Arno L. P.; Keil, Mark
Abstract: Many Information Systems (IS) projects fail to be completed within budget and on ... Expand
Semantic filters: linguistic category model
Topics: IT project project management decision making database system IT project management
Methods: chi squared test linguistic analysis statistical hypothesis test mixed method descriptive statistic
Theories: planning fallacy linguistic category model construal level theory
2017 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 12
Authors: Aerts, Goele; Smits, Tim; Verlegh, Peeter W. J.
Abstract: Online consumer reviews provide relevant information about products and services ... Expand
Semantic filters: linguistic category model
Topics: digital platform online review website sharing platform information exchange
Methods: qualitative content analysis structural equation modeling descriptive statistic chi squared test regression analysis method
Theories: construal level theory linguistic category model