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Found 11 articles
  • D&L: A Natural Language Processing Based Approach for Protecting Sensitive Information from Shoulder Surfing Attacks

    2023 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Aldossari, Marran; Zhang, Dongsong

    Abstract: Despite the increasing attention and research effort, how to protect sensitive ... Expand

    Semantic filters: least significance different test

    Topics: electronic mail laptop computer usability privacy perceived ease of use

    Methods: survey parametric test experiment Tukey HSD for post poc analysis ANOVA


    2023 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Lechte, Henrik; Menck, Jannes; Stocker, Alexander; Lembcke, Tim-Benjamin; Kolbe, Lutz

    Abstract: Connected vehicles enable a wide range of use cases, often facilitated by smart ... Expand

    Semantic filters: least significance different test

    Topics: privacy mobile application information privacy concern digital distribution mobile application market

    Methods: survey experiment parametric test nonparametric test one-way ANOVA

    Theories: protection motivation theory privacy calculus theory

  • Understanding the Role of Trust in Human-Autonomy Teaming

    2019 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: McNeese, Nathan J; Demir, Mustafa; Chiou, Erin; Cooke, Nancy; Yanikian, Giovanni

    Abstract: This study aims to better understand trust in humanautonomy teams, finding that ... Expand

    Semantic filters: least significance different test

    Topics: team productivity IT security threat usability human computer interaction situation awareness

    Methods: survey multivariate analysis of variance experiment cluster analysis survey design


    2017 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Kathrin, Figl

    Abstract: Process modeling notations are visual languages that use symbols to represent th ... Expand

    Semantic filters: least significance different test

    Topics: electronic mail

    Methods: business process modeling modeling language business process model and notation design science unified modeling language

    Theories: semiotic theory

  • Seller reputation or product presentation? An empirical investigation from cue utilization perspective


    2016 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 4

    Authors: Wang, Qiuzhen; Cui, Xiling; Huang, Liqiang; Dai, Yiling

    Abstract: a b s t r a c tThis study examines the interaction effects of two types of cues ... Expand

    Semantic filters: least significance different test

    Topics: laptop computer web page website electronic commerce usability

    Methods: oculometry experiment parametric test ANOVA Student's t-test

    Theories: cue utilization theory

  • The effect of product review balance and volume on online Shoppers' risk perception and purchase intention


    2016 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 10

    Authors: Yang, Jing; Sarathy, Rathindra; Lee, JinKyu

    Abstract: Online reviews are viewed as an important source of information enabling online ... Expand

    Semantic filters: least significance different test

    Topics: online review tablet electronic commerce missing data recommender system

    Methods: survey experiment multivariate analysis of variance parametric test ANOVA

  • An eye-tracking study of website complexity from cognitive load perspective


    2014 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Wang, Qiuzhen; Yang, Sa; Liu, Manlu; Cao, Zike; Ma, Qingguo

    Abstract: Online shopping is becoming one of the most popular applications on the Internet ... Expand

    Semantic filters: least significance different test

    Topics: website task complexity electronic commerce website design web page

    Methods: oculometry experiment paired t-test ANOVA parametric test

    Theories: cognitive attention theory cognitive load theory

  • The Other Side of Acceptance: Studying the Direct and Indirect Effects of Emotions on Information Technology Use

    2010 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 484

    Authors: Beaudry, Anne; Pinsonneault, Alain

    Abstract: Much ado has been made regarding user acceptance of new information technologies ... Expand

    Semantic filters: least significance different test

    Topics: information system use systems implementation perceived ease of use website resource allocation

    Methods: survey structural equation modeling post-hoc analysis parametric test ANOVA

    Theories: organizational behavior theory appraisal theory

  • Online customers’ cognitive differences and their impact on the success of recommendation agents


    2010 | Information & Management | Citations: 0

    Authors: Wang, Hui-Chih; Doong, Her-Sen

    Abstract: RAs (recommendation agents) have become a major way to assist customers make onl ... Expand

    Semantic filters: least significance different test

    Topics: website information system use participatory design recommender system database system

    Methods: survey ANOVA parametric test descriptive statistic data transformation

  • Users' Perceptions of Benefits and Costs of Personalization

    2007 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 8

    Authors: Treiblmaier, Horst; Pollach, Irene

    Abstract: Companies collect a wealth of personal data about their customers to be able to ... Expand

    Semantic filters: least significance different test

    Topics: personalization usability internet technology privacy information privacy concern

    Methods: survey archival research qualitative interview principal component analysis data transformation