2023 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Afiouni, Rania; Pinsonneault, Alain
Abstract: Artificial Intelligence's (AI) potential to augment knowledge workers' jobs bri ... Expand
Semantic filters: knowledge work
Topics: artificial intelligence knowledge work organizational context accounting
Methods: theory development synthesis
2023 | Journal of Strategic Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Asatiani, Aleksandre; Norström, Livia
Abstract: This review discusses the challenges associated with the sustainability of remot ... Expand
Semantic filters: knowledge work
Topics: remote work IT supported collaboration green IS pandemic task characteristic
Methods: literature sample literature study laboratory experiment journal ranking mixed method
Theories: boundary objects theory leader–member exchange theory
2023 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0
Authors: Burton-Jones, Andrew; Gray, Peter; Majchrzak, Ann
Abstract: ... Expand
Semantic filters: knowledge work
Topics: data quality artificial intelligence filter bubble social media citizen science
Methods: field study machine learning computational algorithm field experiment applicability check
2023 | Information & Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Chung, Wingyan; Lai, Vincent S.
Abstract: Social media networks (SMNs) are increasingly used in professional management of ... Expand
Semantic filters: knowledge work
Topics: cryptocurrency social network systems development situation awareness user behavior
Methods: experiment machine learning longitudinal research computational algorithm time series analysis
Theories: psychological theory social contagion theory social interactionist theory social impact theory social sciences theory
2023 | Information and Organization | Citations: 0
Authors: Ciriello, Raffaele Fabio; Richter, Alexander; Schwabe, Gerhard; Mathiassen, Lars
Abstract: Information systems development (ISD) requires dynamic and flexible ways of wor ... Expand
Semantic filters: knowledge work
Topics: banking sytem intranet software developer innovation management systems design
Methods: design artifact qualitative interview case study qualitative coding field study
Theories: boundary objects theory general systems theory
2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Clausen, Sünje; Braun, Lea-Marie; Stieglitz, Stefan
Abstract: Knowledge workers increasingly rely on information and communication technologie ... Expand
Semantic filters: knowledge work
Topics: website digital literacy knowledge work social media information system use
Methods: qualitative interview qualitative content analysis mixed method leading question personal interview
Theories: signaling theory
2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Cogburn, D.; Espinosa, J.; Clark, M.; Nordbäck, E.
Abstract: This minitrack for HICSS-56 highlights the continued importance and growth of g ... Expand
Semantic filters: knowledge work
Topics: digital ecosystem remote work IT supported collaboration pandemic JavaScript
Methods: qualitative interview survey literature sample case study
2023 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 0
Authors: Deodhar, Swanand J.; Gupta, Samrat
Abstract: This study examines how a change in an online reputation system, specifically th ... Expand
Semantic filters: knowledge work
Topics: innovation management online reputation system word of mouth accounting blog
Methods: natural experiment robustness check statistical hypothesis test descriptive statistic computational algorithm
2023 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Ekandjo, Talitakuum; Cranefield, Jocelyn; Chiu, Yi-Te
Abstract: Driven by the growing integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into daily wo ... Expand
Semantic filters: knowledge work
Topics: artificial intelligence productivity electronic mail privacy digital dashboard
Methods: qualitative interview qualitative coding autoethnography synthesis theory development
2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Fischer, L.; Wunderlich, N.; Baskerville, R.
Abstract: A well-designed information system (IS) in the classical view comprises two int ... Expand
Semantic filters: knowledge work
Topics: artificial intelligence IT work datafication knowledge work societal evaluation criteria
Methods: theory development
Theories: socio technical theory sociotechnical systems theory