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Found 547 articles
  • How AI-Based Systems Can Induce Reflections: The Case of AI-Augmented Diagnostic Work

    2023 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0

    Authors: Abdel-Karim, Benjamin; Pfeuffer, Nicolas; Carl, K. Valerie; Hinz, Oliver

    Abstract: This paper addresses a thus-far neglected dimension in human-artificial intelli ... Expand

    Semantic filters: information systems theory

    Topics: artificial intelligence decision making decision support system algorithmic transparency recommender system

    Methods: cognitive walkthrough survey theory development qualitative interview Student's t-test

    Theories: learning theory information systems theory theory of abduction

  • Sustainable IS Use: What IS Needed to REDUSE

    2023 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Andraschko, Lars; Wunderlich, Philipp; Sarker, Saonee; Veit, Daniel

    Abstract: Facing ever-looming climate change, studying the drivers for individuals ' Info ... Expand

    Semantic filters: information systems theory

    Topics: information system use green IS electronic commerce individual characteristic willingness to pay

    Methods: structured literature research synthesis theory development laboratory experiment field experiment

    Theories: extended unified theory of acceptance and use of technology information systems theory unified theory of acceptance and use of technology

  • From Groups to Communities: A Resource Mobilization Theory Perspective on the Emergence of Communities


    2023 | Information Systems Frontiers | Citations: 1

    Authors: Angelopoulos, Spyros; Canhilal, Kubra S.; Hawkins, Matthew A.

    Abstract: Groups and communities have been key topics in the information systems (IS) rese ... Expand

    Semantic filters: information systems theory

    Topics: accounting identity theft database system

    Methods: longitudinal research theoretical contribution theory development network analysis topic model

    Theories: information systems theory

  • What Makes Digital Technology? A Categorization Based on Purpose


    2023 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Baier, Marie-Sophie; Berger, Stephan; Kreuzer, Thomas; Oberländer, Anna; Röglinger, Maximilian

    Abstract: Digital technology (DT) is creating and shaping today's world. Building on its ... Expand

    Semantic filters: information systems theory

    Topics: knowledge base perceived usefulness competitive advantage decision making technology adoption

    Methods: cluster analysis theory development longitudinal data analysis focus group computational algorithm

    Theories: information systems theory sociomaterialism theory

  • On digital theorizing, clickbait research, and the cumulative tradition


    2023 | Journal of Information Technology | Citations: 1

    Authors: Baiyere, Abayomi; Berente, Nicholas; Avital, Michel

    Abstract: The pursuit of novel and indigenous digital theories is a thought-provoking call ... Expand

    Semantic filters: information systems theory

    Topics: boundary spanning reference discipline IS discipline

    Methods: theory development

    Theories: information systems theory

  • The Backstory of “Digital Agility Theory”


    2023 | Journal of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Baiyere, Abayomi; Galliers, Robert; Salmela, Hannu; Tapanainen, Tommi

    Abstract: ... Expand

    Semantic filters: information systems theory

    Topics: IS agility digital transformation electronic mail IS development agility

    Methods: theory development literature study theoretical contribution synthesis structured literature research

    Theories: information systems theory

  • An Adversarial Dance: Toward an Understanding of Insiders’ Responses to Organizational Information Security Measures


    2023 | Journal of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Balozian, Puzant; Burns, A.; Leidner, Dorothy

    Abstract: Despite the increased focus on organizational security policies and programs, s ... Expand

    Semantic filters: information systems theory

    Topics: IT security IT security defense productivity IT security threat anonymity

    Methods: case study qualitative interview personal interview theory development survey

    Theories: information systems theory neutralization theory behavioral theory

  • Digital Transformation: From Traditional IS Theories to Emerging Assemblage

    2023 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Aryal, arun; AMRANI, REDOUANE EL; Wu, Crystal

    Abstract: Digital transformation (DT) is a complex and dynamic phenomenon that requires a ... Expand

    Semantic filters: information systems theory

    Topics: digital transformation database system diffusion of innovation innovation management

    Methods: literature study literature sample qualitative coding cross sectional research theory development

    Theories: information systems theory institutional theory dynamic capabilities theory diffusion of innovations theory knowledge management theory

  • Explainable artificial intelligence in information systems: A review of the status quo and future research directions


    2023 | Electronic Markets | Citations: 4

    Authors: Brasse, Julia; Broder, Hanna Rebecca; Förster, Maximilian; Klier, Mathias; Sigler, Irina

    Abstract: The quest to open black box artificial intelligence (AI) systems evolved into an ... Expand

    Semantic filters: information systems theory

    Topics: explainable artificial intelligence artificial intelligence user requirement electronic market user experience

    Methods: literature study literature sample cluster analysis synthesis machine learning

    Theories: information systems theory activity theory agency theory attribution theory cognitive fit theory

  • Doing good by going digital: A taxonomy of digital social innovation in the context of incumbents


    2023 | Journal of Strategic Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Buck, Christoph; Krombacher, Anna; Röglinger, Maximilian; Körner-Wyrtki, Katrin

    Abstract: Digital social innovation (DSI) offers incumbents a strategic field of action to ... Expand

    Semantic filters: information systems theory

    Topics: innovation management societal challenge database system value creation digital innovation

    Methods: literature sample cluster analysis agglomerative hierarchical clustering structured literature research theory development

    Theories: information systems theory