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Found 5 articles
  • Digital M&A, digital innovation, and firm performance: an empirical investigation


    2021 | European Journal of Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Hanelt, André; Firk, Sebastian; Hildebrandt, Björn; Kolbe, Lutz M.

    Abstract: Aiming to support digital innovation endeavours, industrial-age companies increa ... Expand

    Semantic filters: heteroscedasticity implicit knowledge

    Topics: innovation management digital innovation knowledge base organizational productivity IT skill

    Methods: longitudinal research theory development probit regression regression analysis method robustness check

  • Factors Influencing the Extent of Co-Authorship in IS Research: An Empirical Investigation

    2016 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Bandodkar, Nikhil Ramkrishna; Grover, Varun

    Abstract: The extent of co-authorship in IS research is on the rise. Why has collaboration ... Expand

    Semantic filters: heteroscedasticity implicit knowledge

    Topics: productivity anonymity missing data collaborative work social capital

    Methods: literature sample regression analysis method descriptive statistic statistical hypothesis test field study

  • Looking Inside the Dream Team: Probing Into the Contributions of Tacit Knowledge as an Organizational Resource


    2013 | Organization Science | Citations: 1

    Authors: Shamsie, Jamal; Mannor, Michael J.

    Abstract: Despite growing evidence that suggests that tacit knowledge can serve as a criti ... Expand

    Semantic filters: heteroscedasticity implicit knowledge

    Topics: implicit knowledge explicit knowledge decision making research and development team productivity

    Methods: longitudinal research autocorrelation analysis time series analysis likelihood-ratio test ordinary least square

  • Knowledge Flows Within Multinational Corporations: Explaining Subsidiary Isolation and Its Performance Implications


    2008 | Organization Science | Citations: 14

    Authors: Monteiro, L. Felipe; Arvidsson, Niklas; Birkinshaw, Julian

    Abstract: Applying a new theoretical and empirical approach to intrafirm knowledge transfe ... Expand

    Semantic filters: heteroscedasticity implicit knowledge

    Topics: knowledge sharing marketing management absorptive capacity social identity knowledge management

    Methods: survey cross sectional research statistical hypothesis test qualitative interview longitudinal research

    Theories: behavioral theory of the firm social identity theory decision theory behavioral theory communication theory

  • Knowledge Retention and Personnel Mobility: The Nondisruptive Effects of Inflows of Experience


    2003 | Organization Science | Citations: 12

    Authors: Madsen, Tammy L.; Mosakowski, Elaine; Zaheer, Srilata

    Abstract: Firms often bring in personnel from rivals to gain tacit knowledge and skills. P ... Expand

    Semantic filters: heteroscedasticity implicit knowledge

    Topics: implicit knowledge intranet knowledge base database system organizational memory

    Methods: qualitative interview longitudinal research autocorrelation analysis statistical hypothesis test time series analysis