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Found 111 articles
  • How AI-Based Systems Can Induce Reflections: The Case of AI-Augmented Diagnostic Work

    2023 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0

    Authors: Abdel-Karim, Benjamin; Pfeuffer, Nicolas; Carl, K. Valerie; Hinz, Oliver

    Abstract: This paper addresses a thus-far neglected dimension in human-artificial intelli ... Expand

    Semantic filters: human AI collaboration

    Topics: artificial intelligence decision making decision support system algorithmic transparency recommender system

    Methods: cognitive walkthrough survey theory development qualitative interview Student's t-test

    Theories: learning theory information systems theory theory of abduction

  • “Collaborating” with AI: Taking a System View to Explore the Future of Work


    2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 0

    Authors: Anthony, Callen; Bechky, Beth A.; Fayard, Anne-Laure

    Abstract: In the wake of media hype about artificial intelligence (AI)/human collaboration ... Expand

    Semantic filters: human AI collaboration

    Topics: artificial intelligence spreadsheet human AI collaboration human computer interaction information system use

    Methods: ethnography computational algorithm qualitative interview experiment theory development

    Theories: theory of distributed cognition actor network theory

  • Dynamics of Trust: Unpacking Trust in Human-AI Collaboration in Decision-Making

    2023 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Baduna, Maryam; Hylving, Lena

    Abstract: This literature review examines trust in AI-augmented decision-making systems i ... Expand

    Semantic filters: human AI collaboration

    Topics: decision making artificial intelligence human AI collaboration human computer interaction expert system

    Methods: literature study literature sample computational algorithm synthesis machine learning

  • Expl(AI)ned: The Impact of Explainable Artificial Intelligence on Users’ Information Processing


    2023 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 0

    Authors: Bauer, Kevin; von Zahn, Moritz; Hinz, Oliver

    Abstract: Because of a growing number of initiatives and regulations, predictions of moder ... Expand

    Semantic filters: human AI collaboration

    Topics: explainable artificial intelligence artificial intelligence shapley additive explanation local interpretable model agnostic explanation decision making

    Methods: F-test regression analysis method experiment field study robustness check

  • Explainable artificial intelligence in information systems: A review of the status quo and future research directions


    2023 | Electronic Markets | Citations: 4

    Authors: Brasse, Julia; Broder, Hanna Rebecca; Förster, Maximilian; Klier, Mathias; Sigler, Irina

    Abstract: The quest to open black box artificial intelligence (AI) systems evolved into an ... Expand

    Semantic filters: human AI collaboration

    Topics: explainable artificial intelligence artificial intelligence user requirement electronic market user experience

    Methods: literature study literature sample cluster analysis synthesis machine learning

    Theories: information systems theory activity theory agency theory attribution theory cognitive fit theory

  • Artificial Intelligence as a Service: Trade-Offs Impacting Service Design and Selection

    2023 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Brecker, Kathrin; Lins, Sebastian; Trenz, Manuel; Sunyaev, Ali

    Abstract: AI as a Service (AIaaS) is a promising path to leverage AI capabilities from th ... Expand

    Semantic filters: human AI collaboration

    Topics: artificial intelligence cloud computing ease of use data protection economies of scale

    Methods: qualitative interview design artifact constant comparative analysis qualitative coding triangulation

    Theories: SERVQUAL core competency theory

  • Algorithm as Boss or Coworker? Randomized Field Experiment on Algorithmic Control and Collaboration in Gig Platform

    2023 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Chan, Jason; Kyung, Nakyung; Yoon, Sojung; Kim, Yeonseo

    Abstract: ... Expand

    Semantic filters: human AI collaboration

    Topics: artificial intelligence platform worker decision making mobile application human computer interaction

    Methods: computational algorithm survey experiment field experiment robustness check

  • Introduction to the Minitrack on The Diffusion, Impacts, Adoption and Usage of ICTs upon Society

    2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0

    Authors: Choudrie, Jyoti; Kurnia, Sherah; Sundaram, David

    Abstract: ... Expand

    Semantic filters: human AI collaboration

    Topics: artificial intelligence innovation management affordance user experience human AI collaboration

    Methods: case study latent dirichlet allocation

    Theories: theory of affordance

  • Augmented Facilitation: Designing a multi-modal Conversational Agent for Group Ideation

    2023 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0

    Authors: Cvetkovic, Izabel; Gierlich-Joas, Maren; Tavanapour, Navid; Debowski-Weimann, Nicole; Bittner, Eva

    Abstract: Human facilitators face the challenge to structure and collect relevant insight ... Expand

    Semantic filters: human AI collaboration

    Topics: SWOT analysis artificial intelligence human AI collaboration human computer interaction participatory design

    Methods: design artifact qualitative interview design principle group interview qualitative content analysis

  • Let Artificial Intelligence Be Your Shelf Watchdog: The Impact of Intelligent Image Processing-Powered Shelf Monitoring on Product Sales

    2023 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0

    Authors: Deng, Yipu; Zheng, Jinyang; Huang, Liqiang; Kannan, Karthik

    Abstract: We collaborated with a leading fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) manufacturer t ... Expand

    Semantic filters: human AI collaboration

    Topics: artificial intelligence organizational value cost benefit analysis mobile application human AI collaboration

    Methods: experimental group field experiment qualitative interview experiment quasi experiment