2022 | Information & Management | Citations: 10
Authors: Chen, Yan; Luo, Xin (Robert); Li, Han
Abstract: Extant research seldom focuses on maladaptive security coping behaviors. Applyin ... Expand
Semantic filters: home computer
Topics: internet technology IT security threat IT security data security self efficacy
Methods: survey PLS tool descriptive statistic partial least squares regression literature study
Theories: extended parallel process model protection motivation theory
2022 | Information & Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Xie, Yitian; Siponen, Mikko; Moody, Greg; Zheng, Xiaosong
Abstract: Dismissing or disregarding security notifications (defensive avoidance) may lead ... Expand
Semantic filters: home computer
Topics: malware participatory design usage intention behavioral intention home computer
Methods: design methodology mediation analysis survey descriptive statistic SEM tool
Theories: fear appeal theory
2021 | Journal of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Zorina, Aljona; Karanasios, Stan
Abstract: This paper examines how innovative uses of IT artifacts and their repurposing t ... Expand
Semantic filters: home computer
Topics: innovation management internet technology user requirement information technology infrastructure home computer
Methods: qualitative interview survey longitudinal research conceptual modelling design artifact
2019 | Information Systems Management | Citations: 6
Authors: Chenoweth, Tim; Gattiker, Tom; Corral, Karen
Abstract: Numerous studies have investigated employees’ decisions to adopt IS security mea ... Expand
Semantic filters: home computer
Topics: spyware IT security IT security threat self efficacy user behavior
Methods: survey data transformation scale reliability factor analysis confirmatory factor analysis
2019 | HICSS | Citations: 1
Authors: Mills, Annette M; Sahi, Natasha
Abstract: Home computer users are solely responsible for implementing security measures on ... Expand
Semantic filters: home computer
Topics: IT security defense home computer self efficacy laptop computer password
Methods: partial least squares path modeling partial least squares regression structural equation modeling PLS tool survey
Theories: protection motivation theory
2019 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Reddy, Dinesh; Dietrich, Glenn
Abstract: The outcome of the effect of Self-efficacy in information security (SEIS) on co ... Expand
Semantic filters: home computer
Topics: self efficacy IT security data security phishing home computer
Methods: survey meta analysis
Theories: protection motivation theory
2018 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Mwagwabi, Florence; McGill, Tanya; Dixon, Mike
Abstract: Passwords are the most widely used method of authentication on the Internet, but ... Expand
Semantic filters: home computer
Topics: password IT security self efficacy behavioral intention IT security defense
Methods: experimental group survey parametric test ANOVA longitudinal research
Theories: protection motivation theory health belief model theory of reasoned action behavioral theory
2017 | European Conference On Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Graf-Vlachy, Lorenz; Goyal, Tarun; Ouardi, Yannick; König, Andreas
Abstract: The factors which lead people to adopt or reject technologies of varying degrees ... Expand
Semantic filters: home computer
Topics: website digital media personality technology adoption information system use
Methods: regression analysis method theory development self reported survey logistic regression probit regression
Theories: technology acceptance model
2017 | Journal of Management Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Menard, Philip; Bott, Gregory J.; Crossler, Robert E.
Abstract: Managers desiring to protect information systems must understand how to most eff ... Expand
Semantic filters: home computer
Topics: behavioral intention self efficacy password intrinsic motivation organizational context
Methods: statistical power analysis survey design partial least squares regression statistical hypothesis test PLS tool
2017 | Information Systems Journal | Citations: 31
Authors: Newman, Lareen; Browne-Yung, Kathryn; Raghavendra, Parimala; Wood, Denise; Grace, Emma
Abstract: Despite the seeming ubiquity of young people's Internet use, there are still man ... Expand
Semantic filters: home computer
Topics: information system use internet technology digital divide smartphone social network
Methods: qualitative interview survey case study qualitative coding