2023 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 0
Authors: Al Balawi, Ramah; Hu, Yuheng; Qiu, Liangfei
Abstract: In this study, we investigate the effect of a brand crisis on the customer relat ... Expand
Semantic filters: heteroscedasticity
Topics: social media Twitter customer service customer satisfaction customer relationship management
Methods: mediation analysis longitudinal research robustness check natural experiment experimental group
2023 | Americas Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Ahmad, Alharbi,; Dincelli, Ersin
Abstract: The adoption of smart city technology has become increasingly popular in cities ... Expand
Semantic filters: heteroscedasticity
Topics: mobile system internet of things website open data
Methods: regression analysis method statistical hypothesis test
Theories: transaction cost economics
2023 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Alghamdi, Majed; Aghakhani, Navid; Park, Jiyong; Oh, On-Ook
Abstract: Reducing the level of carbon intensity -i.e., the level of carbon emission -is ... Expand
Semantic filters: heteroscedasticity
Topics: strategic management green IS environmental sustainability database system corporate governance
Methods: longitudinal research Compustat descriptive statistic Breusch-Pagan test
Theories: theory of economic growth
2023 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0
Authors: Deng, Yipu; Zheng, Jinyang; Huang, Liqiang; Kannan, Karthik
Abstract: We collaborated with a leading fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) manufacturer t ... Expand
Semantic filters: heteroscedasticity
Topics: artificial intelligence organizational value cost benefit analysis mobile application human AI collaboration
Methods: experimental group field experiment qualitative interview experiment quasi experiment
2023 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Deng, Yipu; Zheng, Jinyang; Li, Guoxin; Kannan, Karthik
Abstract: Reward-based crowdfunding platforms are increasingly incorporating donation opt ... Expand
Semantic filters: heteroscedasticity
Topics: crowdfunding crowdsourcing social norm logistics management willingness to pay
Methods: experimental group propensity score method descriptive statistic quasi experiment experiment
Theories: social influence theory
2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 0
Authors: DesJardine, Mark R.; Shi, Wei
Abstract: Activist shareholders face a challenging task in preemptively identifying execut ... Expand
Semantic filters: heteroscedasticity
Topics: corporate governance research and development accounting database system Netflix
Methods: descriptive statistic theory development instrumental variables estimation robustness check statistical hypothesis test
Theories: big five model attribution theory behavioral economics
2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Digiammaria, Chiara; Omarini, Anna; Kauffman, Robert; Kim, Kwansoo
Abstract: CBDC has become a discussion topic with worldwide economic and societal relevanc ... Expand
Semantic filters: heteroscedasticity
Topics: analytical information system digital innovation
Methods: robustness check deep learning propensity score matching convolutional neural network causality analysis
2023 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 0
Authors: Fan, Wenjuan; Zhou, Qiqi; Qiu, Liangfei; Kumar, Subodha
Abstract: Online healthcare portals have become prevalent worldwide in recent years. One c ... Expand
Semantic filters: heteroscedasticity
Topics: website electronic health price management online review telephone
Methods: robustness check regression analysis method instrumental variables estimation experimental group hierarchical linear modeling
Theories: signaling theory theory of economic development
2023 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Ghosh, Soham; Chakraborty, Soumyakanti; Gupta, Narain; Basu, Sumanta
Abstract: Physician Review Websites (PRWs) help users select physicians by providing both ... Expand
Semantic filters: heteroscedasticity
Topics: website service quality IS success video conference web page
Methods: experiment survey design survey latin square design factorial experiment
Theories: SERVQUAL
2023 | International Journal of Information Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Goodarzi, Soheil; Jiang, Jinglu; Head, Milena; Lu, Xuecong
Abstract: As individuals age, mental and physical impairment can emerge and impact their w ... Expand
Semantic filters: heteroscedasticity
Topics: social media electronic mail covid 19 information system use information technology addiction
Methods: descriptive statistic longitudinal research regression analysis method statistical hypothesis test survey