2023 | Management Information Systems Quarterly | Citations: 0
Authors: Abdel-Karim, Benjamin; Pfeuffer, Nicolas; Carl, K. Valerie; Hinz, Oliver
Abstract: This paper addresses a thus-far neglected dimension in human-artificial intelli ... Expand
Semantic filters: group interview
Topics: artificial intelligence decision making decision support system algorithmic transparency recommender system
Methods: cognitive walkthrough survey theory development qualitative interview Student's t-test
Theories: learning theory information systems theory theory of abduction
2023 | DESRIST | Citations: 0
Authors: Aguirre Reid, Sören; Kammer, Frank; Schüller, Daria; Siepermann, Markus; Wölfer, Jonas
Abstract: Intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) have the power to influence lecturers’ practi ... Expand
Semantic filters: group interview
Topics: digital dashboard structured query language database system online learning system perceived usefulness
Methods: group interview design science design artifact survey qualitative interview
2023 | ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Akello, Patricia; Vemprala, Naga; Lang Beebe, Nicole; Raymond Choo, Kim-Kwang
Abstract: In the United States and around the world, gun violence has become a long-standi ... Expand
Semantic filters: group interview
Topics: blockchain criminality smart contract Ethereum access control
Methods: design artifact design science design process case study simulation
2023 | European Journal of Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Beese, Jannis; Aier, Stephan; Haki, Kazem; Winter, Robert
Abstract: Significant investments in information systems (IS) over the past decades have l ... Expand
Semantic filters: group interview
Topics: enterprise architecture IT manager IT development project missing data organization structure
Methods: survey focus group survey design structural equation modeling partial least squares path modeling
2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Bhatt, P.; Vemprala, N.; Valecha, R.; Hariharan, G.; Rao, H.
Abstract: Polarization, which refers to the formation of opposing groups based on peoples ... Expand
Semantic filters: group interview
Topics: social media Twitter terrorist incident artificial intelligence application programming interface
Methods: topic model longitudinal research qualitative content analysis longitudinal survey cluster analysis
2023 | HICSS | Citations: 0
Authors: Borchers, M.; Tavanapour, N.; Bittner, E.
Abstract: As a result of the increasing requirements for urban planning, a paradigm shift ... Expand
Semantic filters: group interview
Topics: mobile system mobile application SWOT analysis video conference pandemic
Methods: design principle focus group design requirement literature study design artifact
2023 | International Conference on Business Informatics | Citations: 0
Authors: Brechtel, Marc; Petrik, Dimitri; Hölzle, Katharina
Abstract: Many industrial firms know that inter-firm data sharing holds tremendous potent ... Expand
Semantic filters: group interview
Topics: digital ecosystem top management support technology adoption cloud computing supply chain management
Methods: qualitative interview case study qualitative coding group interview
Theories: socio technical theory sociotechnical systems theory
2023 | Communications of the Association for Information Systems | Citations: 4
Authors: Cameron, Lindsey; Lamers, Laura; Leicht-Deobald, Ulrich; Lutz, Christoph; Meijerink, Jeroen; Möhlmann, Mareike
Abstract: In recent years, the topic of algorithmic management has received increasing at ... Expand
Semantic filters: group interview
Topics: algorithmic management sensemaking platform worker Uber pandemic
Methods: computational algorithm theory development group interview ethnography grounded theory
Theories: organizational behavior theory enactment theory
2023 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Cvetkovic, Izabel; Gierlich-Joas, Maren; Tavanapour, Navid; Debowski-Weimann, Nicole; Bittner, Eva
Abstract: Human facilitators face the challenge to structure and collect relevant insight ... Expand
Semantic filters: group interview
Topics: SWOT analysis artificial intelligence human AI collaboration human computer interaction participatory design
Methods: design artifact qualitative interview design principle group interview qualitative content analysis
2023 | Journal of Strategic Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Dias, Malshika; Pan, Shan L.; Tim, Yenni; Land, Lesley
Abstract: Information systems (IS) strategizing is particularly challenging for establishe ... Expand
Semantic filters: group interview
Topics: information systems strategy accounting communication service infrastructure IT supported collaboration knowledge management system
Methods: case study qualitative interview archival research narrative analysis longitudinal research