2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 0
Authors: Brauer, Matthias; Wiersema, Margarethe; Binder, Philipp
Abstract: Activist hedge funds represent the most potent form of financial activism. Yet w ... Expand
Semantic filters: generalized least square
Topics: corporate governance strategic management organizational productivity decision making database system
Methods: descriptive statistic qualitative content analysis theory development linguistic analysis regression analysis method
Theories: behavioral theory
2023 | International Conference on Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Chaturvedi, Devina; Kathuria, Abhishek; Andrade, Mariana; Saldanha, Terence
Abstract: Although achieving strategic distinctiveness is critical for firms in dynamic i ... Expand
Semantic filters: generalized least square
Topics: database system decision making artificial intelligence internet of things mobile system
Methods: longitudinal research autocorrelation analysis hierarchical linear modeling robustness check regression analysis method
Theories: resource based view of the firm institutional theory
2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 0
Authors: DeSantola, Alicia; Gulati, Ranjay; Zhelyazkov, Pavel I.
Abstract: We explore how the initial market positioning of entrepreneurial ventures shapes ... Expand
Semantic filters: generalized least square
Topics: accounting marketing management human resource management database system entrepreneurship
Methods: qualitative interview robustness check longitudinal research statistical hypothesis test descriptive statistic
Theories: organizational theory contingency theory
2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 0
Authors: Di Stefano, Giada; Micheli, Maria Rita
Abstract: Prior work has maintained that organizations benefit from managing the transfer ... Expand
Semantic filters: generalized least square
Topics: knowledge sharing electronic mail pandemic knowledge spillover strategic management
Methods: experiment qualitative interview field study theory development laboratory experiment
Theories: organizational theory
2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 0
Authors: Cuervo-Cazurra, Alvaro; Purkayastha, Saptarshi; Ramaswamy, Kannan
Abstract: Corporate social responsibility (CSR) and its impact on performance have generat ... Expand
Semantic filters: generalized least square
Topics: organizational productivity database system public good legal context societal evaluation criteria
Methods: experimental group longitudinal research robustness check instrumental variables estimation difference in differences
Theories: resource based view of the firm
2023 | Information Systems Research | Citations: 0
Authors: Fan, Wenjuan; Zhou, Qiqi; Qiu, Liangfei; Kumar, Subodha
Abstract: Online healthcare portals have become prevalent worldwide in recent years. One c ... Expand
Semantic filters: generalized least square
Topics: website electronic health price management online review telephone
Methods: robustness check regression analysis method instrumental variables estimation experimental group hierarchical linear modeling
Theories: signaling theory theory of economic development
2023 | Decision Support Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Jozani, Mohsen; Liu, Charles Zhechao; Choo, Kim-Kwang Raymond
Abstract: Recommendation systems are widely used to promote product visibility and sales. ... Expand
Semantic filters: generalized least square
Topics: mobile application mobile application market digital distribution recommender system Google+
Methods: computational algorithm robustness check instrumental variables estimation longitudinal research statistical hypothesis test
Theories: signaling theory
2023 | Organization Science | Citations: 0
Authors: Paik, Eugene Taeha; Pollock, Timothy G.; Boivie, Steven; Lange, Donald; Lee, Peggy M.
Abstract: We investigate how the relationship between status and performance decouples ove ... Expand
Semantic filters: generalized least square
Topics: accounting IT career database system
Methods: theory development descriptive statistic post-hoc analysis statistical hypothesis test hierarchical linear modeling
2023 | Journal of Management Information Systems | Citations: 0
Authors: Kathuria, Abhishek; Karhade, Prasanna P.; Ning, Xue; Konsynski, Benn R.
Abstract: Family-owned businesses differ in their strategic intent and behavior as they se ... Expand
Semantic filters: generalized least square
Topics: IT investment organizational productivity information system use strategic management research and development
Methods: longitudinal research autocorrelation analysis cross sectional research statistical hypothesis test time series analysis
Theories: lemon market theory
2023 | Information & Management | Citations: 0
Authors: Wan, Xing; Jha, Ashish Kumar; Kazantsev, Nikolai; Boh, Wai Fong
Abstract: This study explores the impact of demand-side usage of digital platforms on oper ... Expand
Semantic filters: generalized least square
Topics: digital platform information system use decision making mobile application consumer behavior
Methods: qualitative interview robustness check personal interview statistical hypothesis test data modeling